居民个人理财行为调查问卷personal finance behavior questionnaire

Thank you very much for taking a few minutes of your time to fill out this questionnaire. This study is being conducted in order to understand personal finance behavior for master degree studies. All the information that you provide is confidential and will be used only for the purpose of this study.    您好, 非常感谢您帮助我完成这个调查。这个是关于居民个人理财投资行为的问卷调查。请您务必完成问卷中的所有问题。我承诺您所提供的信息仅用于研究毛病完全保密。 谢谢您对本次研究的支持与贡献。

居民个人理财行为调查问卷personal finance behavior questionnaire

20题  |  4次引用

