关于网课经历的调查 Online School Experience

我的名字是Albert。我是在澳洲读书的一个小学生,我想要了解和比较世界各地小朋友上网课的请况。这一个问卷会需要大概五至十分钟完成,非常感谢你的参与!如果你也对这个话题感兴趣,那么请留下邮箱地址,我会跟你分享我的研究数据和成果。I am Albert, a primary school student in Australia. I would like to study what online learning is like from children all around the world. This survey will take about 5 to 10 minutes to finish, your participation is highly appreciated! If you are also interested in this research topic, please leave me your email address, I will share the research data and findings with you.

关于网课经历的调查 Online School Experience

9题  |  0次引用

