
感谢您参与本次的问卷调查,本此调查研究的主题是服务营销与成都地区海底捞的消费者的消费频率的关系。调查结果仅用于完成的期末论文研究。所有材料仅供学术参考,绝不公开,请放心填写,问卷选项不存在正确错误之分,只需根据实际情况填写即可,感谢您的支持与帮助。请问您是否愿意参与该问卷调查。Thank you for participating in this questionnaire survey. The topic of this survey is the relationship between service marketing and the consumption frequency of Haidilao consumers in Chengdu. The survey results are used only for the completed final paper research. All materials are for academic reference only and will not be disclosed to the public. Please feel free to fill in the questionnaire. There is no difference between correct and wrong choices. Would you like to participate in the survey?


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