Variety Show - The Best Show Poll 英语日G5-9最佳节目投票

We're awarding the students who participated in English Day 2022 on Monday (May 30th). Please vote for the best three shows you like for our G5-9 Variety Show. They'll get special certificates.

Q1:Best Show

1. How Far I'll go (Singing)
2. Monsters (Singing)
3. Asian Games (Drama)
4. Jabberwocky (Storytelling)
5. Baseball (Speech)
6. Sports is where you get fun and confidence (Speech)
7. Everything (Dance)
8. Three fights with White-Bone (Drama)
9. Forrest Gump (Dubbing)
10. Innocence (Singing)
11. New emperor's new clothes (Drama)
12. Domino (Singing)

Q2:Your name


Variety Show - The Best Show Poll 英语日G5-9最佳节目投票

2题  |  0次引用

