
谨代表《财富》(中文版) 的编辑团队,诚挚地邀请您作为嘉宾出席《财富》FG500峰会。是次活动将于2020年11月24日于北京半岛酒店举办。点击此处回到活动官网。

On behalf of the editors of FORTUNE China, we’re pleased to invite you to attend the FORTUNE Global 500 summit scheduled for 15:30 PM, November 24, 2020, at the Peninsula Hotel. Click here to return to the event page. 
*Each participant must fill in this form separately.
*Attendance at 40U40 is by invitation only, and subject to approval. Registration is non-transferable. 
*Please contact FCFG500Summit@fortune.com if you have any questions.
* 称谓 Prefix:
* 您的姓名 Name:
* 您的职位 Title:
* 公司全称(中文)Company Name (Chinese):
* 公司全称(英文)Comanpy Name (English):
* 电子邮箱(用于分享更新活动信 息)Email (for program updates):
* 联系电话(用于活动现场紧急情况)Contact Number (for onsite emergency):
* 助理姓名(如适用)Assistant Name (if applicable):
* 助理电子邮箱(如适用)Assistant Email (if applicable):
* 助理电话(如适用)Assistant Phone (if applicable):
* 如有期望《财富》邀请的演讲嘉宾,请留言。If you have any speaker nominations, please suggest here.
* 如有任何问题或建议,请留言。If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message.