

John lived in a big city with his wife and his two children. One Sunday afternoon, John took his    yellow motorbike (摩托车) out of the room and was washing it when one of his friends came here. The friend stopped and looked at the motorbike for a minute. Then John turned his face back  and saw him. The friend asked John, “That’s a nice motorbike. Is it yours?” “Sometimes,”    John answered. The friend was surprised.      “Sometimes? What do you mean?” John told the  friend slowly, “When there’s a party in the city, my daughter Rose uses (使用) it. When there’s a basketball game, it comes to my son Mike. After I wash it, and it looks really nice and clean, my wife uses it and goes shopping. When it needs gas (汽油), it’s mine.”
1. John lived in a ________.
A. big city
B. school
C. big town
D. village
2. John’s motorbike was ________.
A. white
B. yellow
C. blue
D. red
3. One Sunday afternoon, John was ________.
A. watching TV
B. reading
C. washing his motorbike
D. having a rest
4. When there was a party in the city, ________ used the motorbike.
A. Tom
B. Mike
C. John’s wife
D. Rose
5. There were ________ people in John’s family.
A. three
B. six
C. five
D. four