韦博国际英语OC Test

您的Learning Coach
Who should you turn to if you need some help in Web?
A. Course Consultant(CC)课程顾问
B. Learning Coach(LC)学习顾问
C. Local Teacher(LT)中方教师
D. Lab on Duty值班老师
E. ESL Teacher 外方教师
What  are Web's resources? 韦博有哪些课程资源?(多项)
A. Courseware 课件
B. PrivateClasses 小班课
C. Salons 沙龙课
D. ApplicationClasses 应用课
E. SocialClubs 社交俱乐部
F. ECAs 课外活动
What is the best way to prepare for your private classes? 
A. Readinga book named Taking Off 使用教材 TakingOff 进行预习
B. Usingmy salon preparation sheets 使用沙龙准备材料进行预习
C. Workingon my courseware efficiently 有效利用课件进行预习
D. Memorizingas many new words as possible 尽可能多地背诵新单词
What are the four aspects of Web’s quality assurance system?
A. CoursewareEvaluation 课件学习评估
B. Teacher’sEvaluation 小班课上表现评估
C. LC'sFollow-up 学习顾问的跟踪辅导
D. PresentationEvaluation 升级演讲评估
What is Web’s teaching philosophy? 
A. Memorizingwords is the best way to learn English. 背单词是最好的英语学习方法。
B. Practicemakes perfect. 练习是掌握这门语言的关键。
C. Languagelearning is a skill. 语言学习是一门技能。
D. Understandingis just the beginning. 理解仅仅是第一步。
What are the efficient courseware learning methods? 
A. Study for about 40 minutes every time. 每次学习40分钟左右
B. Overview the dialogue to get the general meaning of it by listening. 通过听力练习,掌握对话大致意思
C. Compare my pronunciation and intonation with the native speakers' by speaking. 通过语音练习,把自身语音语调和标准发音进行对比
D. Spend more time on grammar-focused exercises instead of communication-focused ones. 把更多的时间花在语法练习上,而非以沟通交流为主的练习
 Which part of the Orientation Class is still obscure to you? 
A. Learning resources including teachers, courses and activities 教师,课程及活动等教学资源
B. Learning philosophy 教学理念
C. Courseware learning methodology 课件学习方法
D. Quality assurance system 质量监控体系
E. Almost clear about everything 基本都已了解了
Any other questions or suggestions. 

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