清华大学学生马拉松协会会员注册Registration For Tsinghua University Student Marathon Association Member

本问卷收集会员信息仅为协会建设使用,不会做其他用途,请填写者如实填写。另外,本问卷设置了部分信息不能重复填写,所以如果需要更新信息,请联系工作组成员删除原数据,再重新填写。The information collected by this questionnaire is only used within our association, not used for other purposes. Please fill in the form honestly. In addition, if you need to update the information, please contact the work group members to delete the original data, and then re-fill.

清华大学学生马拉松协会会员注册Registration For Tsinghua University Student Marathon Association Member

18题  |  3次引用

