

Q1:1. According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to ______ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.

A. differ
B. shrink
C. fail
D. decline

Q2:2. You have made the same mistake again! Can’t you be______?

A. more careful a bit
B. careful a more bit
C. a bit more careful
D. a bit careful more

Q3:3. Having no money but ______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.

A. not wanting anyone
B. not to want anyone
C. wanted no one
D. to want no one

Q4:4. Examination compositions, together with most business letters and government reports, are the main situations ______ formal language is used.

A. in which
B. on which
C. of which
D. for which

Q5:5. —Tom, you are caught late again.—Oh, ______.

A. not at all
B. just my luck
C. never mind
D. that’s all right


5题  |  1次引用

