Colliers COOL Summer Client Party Survey| 高力“酷夏”鸡尾酒会问卷调查

Please spare a couple minutes to complete the feedback questionnaire. We want to continue to improve our delivery and create a memorable experience for you. Thank you! | 请花几分钟时间完成我们的问卷。我们会努力改进并继续为您创造难忘的活动。谢谢!
How did you learn about this event? 您是如何得知这个活动的?
Phone invitation 电话邀请
Email invitation 电子邀请函
WeChat invitation 微信邀请
Others 其他
What did you think of the party theme? 您觉得此次活动的主题如何?
Excellent | 非常满意
Good | 满意
Average | 一般
Poor | 不满意
What did you think of the FB? 您觉得此次活动提供的餐饮如何?
Excellent | 非常满意
Good | 满意
Average | 一般
Poor | 不满意
What did you think of our new office? 您觉得我们的新办公室如何?
Excellent | 非常好
Good| 好
Average| 一般
Poor| 不太好
Any suggestions for the nextclient party | 对于将来客户答谢会,您有任何建议吗?