Simulation Evaluation – Guest Room Staying Experience模拟营业评估表 - 客房入住体验

Welcome to Shangri-La Hotel, Jinan. Thank you for participating in this Pre-Opening Hotel Simulation. We aim to provide you with the Shangri-La Experience during your stay. We would appreciate if you can take a few minutes to give us your feedback and suggestions. We thank you for your support and wish you a pleasant stay.
Your Chinese name 您的中文姓名:
Your level 您的级别:
Service Associate 宾客服务员
Service Leader 宾客服务主管
Service Manager 宾客服务经理
Senior Service Manager 高级宾客服务经理
Service Executive 宾客服务行政管理级
Your division / department 您的部门:
Executive Office 行政办公室
Human Resources 人力资源部
Finance 财务部
Sales Marketing 市场销售部
Engineering 工程部
Security 保安部
Front Office 前厅部
Housekeeping 客房部
Food Beverage 餐饮部
Kitchen 厨房
Date of your stay 您的入住日期:
Your room No. 您的房号:
Did you open the door smoothlyby using the key card?您是否能用房卡顺利开门?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Did the Door close on its own and locked?房门是否可以自动关闭并锁住?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the Doorbell audible and clear when pressed?按动门铃时铃声是否清脆响亮?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the DND signage clear and visible?请勿打扰指示灯是否清晰醒目?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Were all the lights working? If not, please specify所有灯具是否工作正常? (如有工作不正常的灯具,请具体指出)
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Were the instructions easy and simple to follow when tried touse the in-room locker?请试用房间写字桌内电子储物柜,电子储物柜操作说明是否清晰明了,容易操作?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Were the speed dial buttons on the telephone set programmedcorrectly? (Please dont test the “Emergence”speed dial)快速拨号键设置是否正确?(请不要按“紧急”键)
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Were all the channels correctly tuned? If not, please specify所有频道是否和电视节目单一致? (如选择“不是”,请具体指出)
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the reception clear while turning to the radio channels?电台频道的接收情况是否良好/清晰?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the bathroom volume control in working order?浴室音量调节是否工作正常?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the kettle working?热水壶是否工作正常?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the coffee and tea well presentation?咖啡和茶叶是否摆放整齐?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Please check the mini bar, was the drinks chilled?请检查迷你吧酒水,饮料是否都是冰凉的?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the bed made-up tidy and flat?床是否整理的平整整洁?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the water pressure of basin good?洗手池水压是否正常?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the water pressure of bathtub good?浴缸水压是否正常?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Did you experience temperature fluctuations while taking ashower?沐浴时温度是否适合?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Did the water drainageof the shower, bath tub or hand basin running smoothly? If not, please specify.使用淋浴,浴缸和面盆时,下水是否顺畅? (如选择“不是”,请具体指出)
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the air-conditioner running quietly?房间空调运行是否没有噪音?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the hairdryer easy to find and use?吹风机是否容易找到并且易于使用?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Were both bedside and bathroom phones working properly?床头电话和浴室电话是否都工作正常?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the curtain easy to be open?开关窗帘是否容易?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was there not any light come through the curtain after it hasbeen closed?窗帘关闭后是否没有光线射入?
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Was the room quiet enough for a good rest? If not, pleasespecify time and typeof noise.房间是否足够安静让您休息?(如果选择“不是”, 请具体指出时间和噪音种类)
Yes 是
No 不是
Not Applicable 不适用
Kindly ratethe following – Circle 5 asExcellent 1 as Very Poor给下列项目评分 - 5代表极好,1代表差
5 4 3 2 1
Cleanliness and tidy of the room?房间整洁程度
Cleanliness and tidy of the bathroom?卫生间整洁程度
Ambience of the Room 房间的氛围(Comfortable temperature 舒适的温度)
Ambience of the Room 房间的氛围(Lightingmood 灯光的氛围)
Howwould you rate your guest room?您如何评价您的客房?
Excellent 极好
Very Good 很好
Good 好
Fair 一般
Poor 差
Other feedback and suggestions其他意见及建议: