
Hello there, thanks to participate in our survey. This survey is purpose to work out whether you would like to travel to New Zealand and the influence of earthquake on your travel decision. Please answer all questions accordingly.
你每年都会出国旅游吗?Do you travel overseas every year?
会 (Yes)
不会 (No)
如果有机会,你想到新西兰旅游吗?If there is an opportunity, do you want to travel to New Zealand ?
想 (Yes)
不想 (No)
不确定 (Not sure)
到新西兰旅游,你主要想了解什么信息?(多选项)What would you want to know more when you are traveling to New Zealand?(Multiple choice)
没有特殊目的,只是度假休闲No particular interest, just want to have some leisure time.
了解当地人文、生活信息Want to konw more about the local culture and hand around local communities.
了解当地教育方面信息Want to know more about the education and relevant information.
了解当地经济信息Want to konw more about how is the economy going.
了解当地房屋建设投资信息Want to know more about the local real estate market.
如果到新西兰旅游,你会主要选择哪种途径提前了解信息?(多选)If you travel to New Zealand, what kind of methods do you mainly use to get information in advance?(Multiple choice)
网络搜索信息 (Use internet)
电视、广播、杂志 (TV, radio andmagazine)
从身边朋友那获得信息 (From friends)
新西兰旅游局网站 (New Zealand tourism website)
旅行机构,比如旅行社 (Travel agent)
你想到新西兰哪里旅游?In New Zealand, which part do you want to visit?
北岛 (North island)
南岛 (South island)
北岛和南岛 (North and south island)
还不太确定 (Not sure now)
如果到新西兰旅游,你想在新西兰旅游多长时间?How many days you may spend in New Zealand?
3-5天 (3-5 days)
5-10天 (5-10 days)
10-15天 (10-15 days)
15天以上 (More than 15 days)
到新西兰旅游的同时,你是否还想到澳洲旅游?Would you like to travel to New Zealand and Australia in one trip?
想 (Yes)
不想 (No)
不一定 (Not sure)
如果到新西兰旅游,你的预算是多少?(不含机票)How much would you like to spend, if you are visiting New Zealand.
5,000以下 (Under RMB 5,000)
5,000-10,000人民币 (RMB 5,000-10,000)
10,000-15,000人民币 (RMB 10,000-15,000)
15,000-20,000人民币 (RMB 15,000-20,000)
20,000人民币以上 (More than RMB 20,000)
11月14日新西兰南岛发生地震后,你是否想到新西兰旅游?Do you still want travelling to New Zealand, after you I know about the earthquake on 14th November 2016?
想 (Yes)
不想 (No)
可能过一段时间后再去 (Maybe after few weeks)
不确定 (Not sure)
你觉得类似地震的意外情况,对你选择旅游目的地影响大吗?Do you think theunexpected circumstances, like earthquake, will have muchinfluenceon you to choose thetravelling destination?
影响很大 (Yes)
有一些影响 (There are some influence)
没有影响 (No)