09.25 10分钟| 我正在广州改变什么 What differences I'm making in GZ

我们就想听听你的 Let us hear you!
你是从哪里获知本期活动信息?How do you get to know this event?
微信朋友圈 Wechat Moments
来遇约公众号推送 ComeMeetMe announcement
1200公众号或书店海报 1200bookshop wechat or posters
活动平台如活动行、互动吧 Online event platforms such meetup, that's prd etc.
其他 Others
这次活动哪个人、哪件事或哪句话对你有触动?What impressed you most at this event? (could be a person, a story, a project or even a sentense etc)
你对哪类创业和社会革新话题感兴趣呢?What subjects/topics are you interested in within entreprenuership and social innovation?
请留下任何你想对我们说的话 Please leave us any of your thoughts about the event
请给予本期活动讲者你的意见和反馈 Please let us know your opinions about the speakers today
陈嘉俊 (拜客绿色出行)    ____________
梁海光 (满天星青少年公益发展中心)    ____________
黄山(素食街)    ____________
请你给本次活动中的感受和体验评分 How would you rate your overall experience at the event?
5分最高,1分最低 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★