【四级阅读冲刺营】-Quiz-Day 2


1. 翻译句子,限时30分钟。

2. 建议大家使用电脑答题,更方便更省时~

3. 提交之后可以看到答案,大家别忘了核对一下哦O(∩_∩)O~ 

There is no rule that has no exception. I dont know both of them.
In no account will I compromise with those who betray the country. Nothing in the world is easy for one who doesnt set his mind in it.
All peace-loving people in the world demand the prohibition of the development of nuclear weapons.
The growing awareness by many smokers of the harmful effect of smoking has promoted their consideration of giving up smoking as soon as possible.
She could have get a high score had she prepared for it timely, but she narrowly passed the exam due to his procrastination.
And by the English phrase black sheep, which if extended means the one who spoils the team, I learned a new English slang with double meaning, literal meaning and extended meaning. If necessary, Ill stick it to the end.
To Americans, being on ones own suggests that one is a fully independent and functioning part of the whole capable and willing to make choices.
I wondered what I would do if confronted with a real midair medical emergency without access to a hospital staff and the usual emergency equipment.