Training Needs Survey - L6 Above Managers培训需求问卷调查(6级及以上级别经理)

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to take 2017 Training Needs Survey.


In order to better match your training needs, make annual training plan more relevant and practical to help you and your career development, here encloses training needs Qestionnaire, and looking for your valuable advice.


We will be carefully analyzing your feedback and combine with hotel operations to develop training plan for 2017. Your information, comments and suggestions will be fully respected, we will carefully read and to keep your information strictly confidential.


Please finish this questionnaire by September 30, 2016.


Thanks for your attention & support. Wish you lots of success in your work!

                                                                                      Sheraton Huizhou Beach Resort L&D Team

Your Information 您的信息
1. Your Department 您的部门
Security 保安部
FB Kitchen 餐饮厨房
Human Resources 人力资源部
Housekeeping 客房部
Front Office 前厅部
FB Service 餐饮服务
Finance 财务部
Executive Office 行政办公室
Engineering 工程部
Sales Marketing 市场销售部
2. How long have you been in hotel? 您加入酒店的年限 ?
More than 6 months and less than 12 months 6-12个月
More than 1 year and less than 2years 1-2年
More than one month and less than 3 months 1~3个月
More than 3 months and less than 6 months 3~6个月
More than 3years 3年及以上
Training Engagement 培训认同度
1. How do you think hotel pay attention to training? 您认为酒店对培训工作的重视程度如何?
Place great emphasis on training. 非常重视培训
Pay some attention on training. 比较重视培训
Not pay enough attention on training. 不是很重视培训
Ignore. 忽视培训
2. Do you think training could help you improve your work efficiency productivity and promote your career development? Are you willing to participate in training programs?您认为:培训对于提升您的工作业绩,促进个人职业发展能否起到实际的帮助作用?您是否愿意参加培训*
Very helpful and useful, hope to organize various training. 非常有帮助,希望多组织各种培训
Helpful and willing to attend training. 有较大帮助,乐意参加
A little helpful and will have a look at if have time. 多少会有一点儿帮助,会去听听
Helpful but no time to attend. 有帮助,但是没时间参加
Not helpful, not useful, not attend. 基本没什么帮助,不会参加
3. How do you think training needs for yourself? 您认为自己对于培训需求的迫切程度如何?
Crying need. 非常迫切
Desire. 比较迫切
Have some training needs but not very urgent. 有一些培训需求,不是那么紧迫
It doesn't matter to me. 无所谓,可有可无
No training needs. 没有培训需求
4. How many training courses have you received till now? 目前您所接受的酒店培训在数量上认为怎么样?
More than enough. 绰绰有余
Sufficient 足够
Enough 还可以
Not enough 不够
Lacking 非常不够
5. Have product knowledge, market information, on-job training skills and other learning been shared within your department?部门内部关于商品知识、行业和市场信息、岗位工作技能的培训、学习、分享是否充分
Always have these sharing training and we can learn much from each other.经常有这样的分享或者培训,可以学到很多。
Have these sharing training but not very often. 会有这样的分享或者培训,但不是很经常。
No sharing training. 基本没有这样的分享或培训。
6. Your current learning status and style: 您目前的学习状态是 :
Active learning by self with plan. 经常主动学习,有计划地持续进行
Learning by self sometimes but can not continue. 偶尔会主动学习,但没有计划性,不能坚持
Want to learn but not have time. 有学习的念头或打算,但没有时间
Will learn when there has job needs. 有工作需要的时候才会针对需要学习
Seldom have learning awareness. 很少有学习的念头
Training Organization and Arrangement 培训的组织与安排
1. Please list 3 training methods you think most effective.您认为最有效的培训方法是什么? 请选出您认为最有效的3种:
Invite external trainers to conduct training. 邀请外部讲师到公司进行集中讲授
Send team members to external training agency to have training. 安排受训人员到外部培训机构接受系统训练
To be trained by internal senior. 由公司内部有经验的人员进行讲授
Communicate within department by discussion and sharing. 部门内部组织经验交流与分享讨论
Team Building 拓展训练
Media 光碟、视频等声像资料学习
Build book libiary for lending and reading. 建立公司图书库,供借阅
E-learning 建立网络学习平台
2. Please list 1 teaching methods you think most effective.您认为,最有效的课堂教学方法是什么? 请选出您认为最有效的1种:
Classroom Teaching 课堂讲授
Case Study 案例分析
3. Which elements do you think have most impaction on conducting training around hotel?您认为以下哪个因素对于酒店培训工作的开展效果影响最大*[多选题]
Attention Degree for Training 领导的重视程度
Trainee's Engagement Awareness 员工的培训参与意识
Training Ways and Methods 培训方式与手段
Training Arrangement and Schedule 培训时间的安排和时长
Training Organization 培训组织与服务
Training Contents 培训内容的实用性
Trainier's Professional Level 培训讲师的授课水平
Training Follow-up培训效果的跟进
4. Which teaching style do you like best?以下讲师授课风格及特点,您比较看重哪一点? [多选题]
Theory-oriented 理论性强,具有系统性及条理性x
Theory-oriented 理论性强,具有系统性及条理性
Practical with case-study 实战性强,丰富的案例辅助
Well knowledgable and allusive 知识渊博,引经据典,娓娓道来
Interactive and various styles 授课形式多样,互动参与性强
Humorous and relaxing 语言风趣幽默,气氛活跃
With passionate激情澎湃,有感染力和号召力
5. How long do you think a class last is acceptable?您认为,对于某一次课程来讲,多长的时间您比较能接受? [多选题]
Within one hour1个小时以内
2-3 hours 2-3小时
Half day 半天
One day 一天
It depands on training course. 无所谓,看课程需要来定
6. What time do you think is most suitable for training?您认为培训时间安排在什么时候比较合适? [多选题]
09:00-12:00 on weekdays 工作日上午
13:00-17:00 on weekdays 工作日下午
09:00-12:00 on weekends 周末上午
13:00-17:00 on weekends 周末下午
It depends on training course. 无所谓,看课程需要来定
7. what is the training frequency could you accept? 您希望的或者所能接受的培训的频率是怎样的?
Once a week 每周一次
Once half month 半月一次
Once a month 每月一次
Twice a Week 每周两次
Others 其他
8. Which training location do you like most? 您希望的培训地点是?
Training Room 培训教室
Banquet Room 酒店宴会厅
Outdoor 户外
It depends on training. 无所谓,看课程需要来定
Training Needs Information 培训需求信息
1. Competencies 能力
Very Need 非常需要 Need需要 No Need 不需要
Critical Thinking 批判性思考
Change and Innovation 创新与变革
Dealing with guest complaints 如何处理客人投诉
Effective Communication 有效的沟通技巧
Emotional Intelligence 情商
Collaboration 团队协作
Conflict Management 冲突管理
Pressure Management 压力管理
Motivation & Inspiration 启发与激励
Development of self and others 职业发展规划
Leadership 领导力
Performance Management 绩效管理
Coaching 教练式管理
English Skills 英语技能
Effective Meeting Skills 开展高效会议技巧
Introduction to Finance 财务知识
Introduction to S 销售知识
Training Skills Training 培训技巧
Solve Daily Problem Skills 解决日常问题技巧
Introduction to HR 人力资源知识
Interviewing Skills 面试技巧
2. What is your suggestion or expection to hotel training? What knowledge or skills you want to learn while not listed on the survey?除本问卷所涉及到的内容,您对酒店培训还有哪些建议和期望?或者是您还期望学到哪些方面的知识?