知识管理问卷(Knowledge Management Survey)

Common information that all of the respondents are asked about  所有受访者都被问及的公共信息

Dear Respondent,亲爱的接受问卷调查的朋友,I am a Ph.D. candidate at SouthernNew Hampshire University, Manchester, NH, USA. I would like to ask your help for my dissertation research byproviding inputs and completing the attached questionnaire. My research isfocused on the process of information flow in internationalbusiness including the willingness to shareknowledge in internationaljoint-ventures (IJVs). The resultsofthis dissertation researchwill help improveour understanding of howfirms transfer knowledgebetween partners to improve theirperformance.我是一名美国南新罕布什尔大学国际商务专业的在读博士生。我真诚地希望您能参与此次问卷调查来帮助我完成博士毕业论文。我的毕业论文研究方向是国际商务中信息的流动过程,主要集中在国际合资企业(IJVs)中分享知识的意愿。论文的研究结果将有助于增进我们对于知识是如何在合作伙伴之间传递的了解,进而提高各公司的业绩表现。The informationwill be compiled and reported with others and not identified individually. It is estimatedto take you around10 minutes to complete the survey. Iam happy to share the resultsof this survey, if you areinterested. 从问卷中收集来的信息将会被整体编译并生成报告,因此每份问卷的信息不会被单独披露。填写问卷大约需要10分钟。如果您对此研究感兴趣,我会很高兴地与您分享调研的结果。If you haveany question about the questionnaire,please feel free to contactme (lingling.wang@snhu.edu). Thank you inadvance for your help! Your participation is critical to the completionof my Ph.D. dissertation and of my study.如果您对问卷有任何问题,请随时与我联系(lingling.wang@snhu.edu)。您的参与对于这篇论文和我的研究都至关重要。在此我向您表示真诚的感谢!Sincerely, 此致敬礼,Lingling Wang 王玲玲
Name of your company 您所在公司的名称
The title of your position in the company 您所担任的职位名称
Have your company had any international joint-ventures? 您所在的公司是否与其它国际公司有过合资的经历?
Yes 是
No 否
Name of the international joint-venture: 国际合资企业名称
When was the international joint-venture established: 该国际合资企业的成立时间:
Please indicate your agreement to a particular statement on a five-point Likert- type scale ranging from 1 to 5 (1= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) 请您按照1到5(1=完全不同意,5=完全同意)标出您对下列陈述的看法。 1= strongly disagree 完全不同意, 2 = disagree 不同意, 3 = uncertain 不确定 , 4 = agree 同意, 5 = strongly agree 完全同意注:在本问卷中知识特指技术和工艺诀窍, 它存在于公司的各职能区域,例如,研发,制造,市场营销,和管理,等等。知识传输指合作一方通过任何方式将自己的技术和工艺诀窍教授给合作伙伴。
Knowledge transfer 知识传输方面1. You learned a great deal of technology/process know-how from International Joint-Venture(IJV) partner. 您从国际合资企业的合作伙伴那里学习了大量的技术/工艺诀窍。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Willingness to Share Knowledge 分享知识的意愿方面2. Partner is willing to share technology/process know-how with you. 合作伙伴愿与您分享技术/工艺诀窍。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Trust 信任方面3. There is an overall high feature of trust in this International Joint-Venture(IJV) between partners. 该国际合资企业的合作伙伴之间存在高度的信任
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Commitment 承诺方面4. Partner provided the necessary knowledge to enable the success of the International Joint-Venture(IJV). 合作伙伴提供了必要的使国际合资企业成功的知识。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Commitment 承诺方面5. Partner assigned competent and suitable personnel for the success of the International Joint-Venture(IJV). 合作伙伴为国际合资企业的成功配备了有能力和适当的工作人员。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Commitment 承诺方面6. Partner supplied the adequate attention and time of management that was necessary in ensuring the success of the International Joint-Venture(IJV). 合作伙伴提供了确保国际合资企业成功的足够的重视和管理的时间。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Conflict 冲突方面 7. Mistrust on the original International Joint-Venture(IJV) contract has been issues in theInternational Joint-Venture(IJV). 对国际合资企业原合同的不信任成为国际合资企业的问题。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Conflict 冲突方面 8. Disagreement occurs concerning goals and/or operational or managerial expectations. 目标和/或经营或管理的期望出现分歧。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Conflict 冲突方面 9. Any misunderstanding is derived from cultural differences. 由于文化差异引起的误解。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Protection 保护方面 10. Partner is very protective of its technology/process know-how. 合作伙伴非常注意保护自己的技术/工艺诀窍。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Complementarity 互补性方面 11. There is complementarity in resources and capabilities between partners in the International Joint-Venture(IJV). 国际合资企业合作伙伴之间存在互补性的资源和能力。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Competitive Overlap 竞争重叠方面 12. Do you consider your partner a current competitor? 您认为您的合作伙伴是当前的竞争对手?
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Competitive Overlap 竞争重叠方面 13. Do you consider your partner a potential competitor? 您认为您的合作伙伴是潜在的竞争对手?
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Tacitness 隐性方面 14. Partner's technology/process know-how is easily codifiable (in blueprints, instructions, formulas, etc.) 合作伙伴的技术/工艺诀窍很容易汇编(成图纸,说明书,公式等。)
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Tacitness 隐性方面 15. Partner's technology/process know-how is more explicit than tacit. 合作伙伴的技术/工艺诀窍是更加显性的。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
National Culture 民族文化方面 16. National cultural differences have not been issues in this International Joint-Venture(IJV). 民族文化差异成为国际合资企业的问题。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Success 成功方面 17. This international joint-venture has been a success in meeting its expectations. 该国际合资企业已经获得预期的成功。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Success 成功方面 18. This international joint-venture has been a success in sharing information. 该国际合资企业已经在信息共享方面成功。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意
Success 成功方面 19. Measures could have been taken to improve flow of knowledge/process between parties. 应采取措施改善双方之间知识的流动/流动过程。
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
Disagree 不同意
Uncertain 不确定
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 完全同意