六顶思考帽®课前调查STH Pre-course Questionnaire

非常期待您即将参加六顶思考帽®的课程培训。六顶思考帽®旨在提高我们的思考质量,是全球著名的版权课程。为了您在培训中取得更大的收获,请您花5分钟时间,如实、认真地填写此在线调查问卷。填写完毕后,点击“提交”按钮即可。感谢您的合作!We are looking forward to having you participate in a Six Thinking Hats® training program. Six Thinking Hats® is a copyright protected international training program that aims at improving the quality of thinking of participants.  For your maximum benefit from the course, please take 5 minutes to fill out the following online survey concisely and honestly. When you are done, simply click the “submit” button at the end of the document. Thanks for your cooperation!
姓名Name:    ____________
邮箱E-mail:    ____________
您所处的年龄阶段 When were you born?
其他 Others
请选择您的工作领域 Please tick in what area you are working 
销售 Sales
市场 Marketing
研发 RD
研发 RD
财务 Finance
工程 Engineering
管理 Management
其他 Others
您管理团队吗? Do you manage people?
不 No
是的,我的团队里有_________人。 Yes, I have _________ direct reports
您是否参加过以下的课程? Have you attended any of the following courses?
水平思考 Lateral Thinking
感知的力量 The Power of Perception
其他与“思维”、“问题解决”或“创造力”有关的课程,如果有,请简单描述一下: Other courses related to “thinking”,“problem solving” or “ creativity”? If so, please state them here:
您了解六顶思考帽吗? How familiar are you with the Six Thinking Hats?
一点儿也不了解 Not at all
听别人谈论过 I have heard others talk about them
曾阅读过相关书籍 I have read the book
已经在使用这个工具 I am already using this tool
您是否同意这种说法:“思维技能是可以传授、可以学习的吗?” Do you agree with the statement: Thinking skills can be taught and learned?
同意 Yes
不同意 No
不确定 Not sure
您为什么选择参加这门课程的培训?(可以多选)Why have you chosen to attend this course?(Please tick, multiple answers possible)
是我年度自我发展规划的结果 As a result of my annual development plan talks
因为我想寻求更多的机会来提高我思考的质量 Because I want to explore opportunities to improve the quality of my thinking
因为公司老板的要求 Because my boss asked me to
因为我们公司其他同事推荐了这门课程 Because someone else here in our organization has recommended it
因为我在其他公司的一个朋友推荐了这门课程Because one of my friends in another organization has recommended it
因为这门课程的名字让我很好奇 Because the course name makes me curious
其他 Others:

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