
第一部分:重要的信息(Key General Questions)
请问您是重庆人吗?(Are you from Chongqing, China?)
请问您之前是否有网上购物的经历?(Did you buy something on the Internet before?)
第二部分:与调查主题相关的问题(Questions Based on the Specific Topic)
1. 我认为,在线商家提供多种多样的产品类型可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to provide a wider product variety can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
2. 我认为,在线商家提供优质的产品组合可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to offer superior assortments can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
3. 我认为,在线商家提供丰富的(高质保量)产品信息可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce offer richer information (more extensive & higher quality) available online can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
4. 我认为,在线商家提供个性化的服务来满足消费者的特殊需求可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce provide customized service to meet the needs of every individual customer can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
5. 我认为,在线商家设计出整洁而精致的店铺网页可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to design clear and delicate website can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
6. 我认为,当消费者需要帮助时,在线商家可以做出快速回应,这样可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce having quickly responsiveness ability when they need to help can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
7. 我认为,在线商家提供详细的快递跟踪信息可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to provide detailed tracking information of delivery can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
8. 我认为,在线商家提供可靠并且快速的快递服务可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to offer reliable and fast express delivery can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
9. 我认为,在线商家提供有保障的快递退货制度可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce providing guaranteed return policy of delivery can increase online consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
10. 我认为,在线商家提供特别的促销活动(例如:双十二零点大抢购之类的)可以提升网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to provide specific promotion activities can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
11. 我认为,在线商家提供个性化的并且高效的广告可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to  offer customized  and effective advertisement can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
12. 我认为,在线商家通过多渠道开展促销活动可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce use various channel to promotion can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
13. 我认为,在线商家方便使用的在线支付平台可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to provide ease of use online payment platform can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
14. 我认为,在线商家安全可靠的在线支付流程可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce to offer reliable and security online payment process can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
15. 我认为,在线商家提供多渠道的在线支付流程可以提高网购消费者的满意度(I believe that e-commerce offer different channel of online payment process can increase consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
16. 我认为,高质量的服务可以积极地影响消费者的满意度(I believe that good quality service can significant positively influence consumer satisfaction)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
17. 我认为,在线购物过程中,安全可靠的支付平台是网购消费者最注重的问题(I believe that privacy and safety online  payment platform is the most important issues consumer focused)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
18. 我认为,方便使用在线购物平台能够使消费者对网购感到满意(I believe that convenience e-shop platform can make consumers feeling satisfied during their online shopping)
非常不同意 Strongly Disagree
不同意 Disagree
一般 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly Agree
第三部分:个人信息(Personal Information)
性别 (Gender)
小于21岁(Below 21 years old)
21岁---40岁(21---40 years old)
41岁---60岁(41---60 years old)
大于60岁(Above 60 years old)
高中学历(High School)

25题 | 被引用6次
