
你是本地学生还是外国留学生?Are you a local student or foreign student?
本地学生 local student
外国留学生 foreign student
你在英语等级考试中的分级?What is your english grade?
你主要使用的字典是?What kind of dictionary do you mainly use?
纸质版 paper edition
电子版 electronic edition
使用字典的频率 the frequency of using dictionary
很少,几乎不用 almost never
偶尔 once in a while
有时 sometimes
比较频繁 quite frequent
非常频繁almost always
你查字典时都关注什么? What do you focus on when you are using a dictionary?
单词释义 Interpretation of word
单词例句 the example of the word
词的分类 word catergory (verb,adj,adv,etc...)
全部 all
你关注的词语释义When you use dictionary you check the definition in your own language or in english?
母语own language
第三语言other language
当你在读一篇文章你会查每个你不懂的字还是你试着去猜他的含义?When you are reading a text do you look up all the words you dont know or you try to guess the meaning from the context?
逐字查询 look up all the word you dont know
猜他的意思 guess the meaning from the context
这种查字典的方式你认为对你的英语学习中有什么帮助? In your opinion how did the method of yourdictionary usage help you in learning English?
学习英语过程中字典使用有没有变化?Did you ever change the method of your dictionary usage in learning english?
有 Yes
否 No
觉得在英语学习中字典使用的经验教训 What did your experience in using dictionary teach you?

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