敬老院/老年公寓 建筑设计调查

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Facility name & rough location(country,city) 请问你曾经去过的敬老院/老年公寓的名字是?大概的地址(国家和城市)?
Why do you go to this place? What's your position there? 你为什么去哪里?
How often do you visit the facility? 多久去一次这个敬老院/老年公寓?
Duration of stay 一般每次拜访都会持续多久?
What are their situations? 那边老人们的境况是怎样的?(可多选)
elderly 年老
sick 身患重病
abandoned by their children 被他们的子女抛弃
arranged by their children 在双方同意的基础上,子女送他们至这个场所
alone 已无亲人
other 其他
Please answer here if your choose "others" for Q4 如果第四题选择“其他”,请把答案写在这里:)
What type of care  do they need? Or what type of care are they having? (e.g. physical/mental ) 他们需要哪些护理?或者他们正在享受哪些护理?像是生理、心理层面等
Who else visit them? Do they usually stay over? What do they do during their stay?除了你之外,一般还会有谁去拜访那些老人?他们一般会过夜吗?他们一般会在那里做些什么?
How do they social in this community? 他们在这个社区的社交活动是如何?
What service does the community or place provide?(e.g. food, beds,..?)这个社区会提供那些服务?(像是三餐、住宿等)
Is there any facility in the place special designed ? (e.g.Toilet) 这个地方有哪些设施是专门设计的?(像是给行动不便的老人设计的卫生间等)
What architectural or  functional advantages does this place have? 你觉得这个地方有哪些建筑或者功能上做的好的地方?
What do you think about improving this place from architectural and functional aspects    ? 你觉得这个地方在建筑和功能上有哪些需要改进的地方?

13题 | 被引用1次
