Investment Risk Profiling Questionnaire 投資風險評估問卷調查

We are student of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education.We are studying the risk management on investment. Therefore, we would like to invite you to assist us so that we can collect relative information which will be used on academic purpose.Thank you!
1   What is your age? 阁下的年龄是?
Under 25 years old / 25岁以下
Between 25 to 34 / 25至34岁
Between 35 to 45 / 35岁至45岁
Over 45 years old / 45岁以上
How many years of experience do you have on investment? 阁下有多少年投资的经验?
More than 10 years / 多於10年
7 to 10 years / 7至10年
3 to 6 years / 3至6年
1 to 3 years / 1至3年
No experience / 沒有任何经验
Have you ever engaged in derivatives? 阁下曾否参与买卖金融衍生产品?
Yes / 有
No / 沒有
What is your purpose for engaging derivatives? 阁下参与衍生产品买卖的用途是什么?
Hedging / 对冲
Speculative / 投机
Both / 两者皆是
What percentage do you tend to put in investment from your income? 阁下倾投向投放多少百分比的收入用作投资?
Less than 10% / 少於10%
10 to 25% / 10至25%
26 to 35% / 26至35%
36 to 50% / 36至50%
More than 50% / 多於50%
What is your ideal investment tenor? 阁下的理想投资年期是多少?
Less than 1 year / 一年以內
1 to 3 years / 1至3年
4 to 6 years / 4至6年
7 to 10 years / 7至10年
More than 10 years / 多於10年
What is your expected return on investment in 1 year? 阁下在一年内的预期投资回报是多少?
1 to 10% / 1至10%
11 to 20% / 11至20%
21 to 30% / 21至30%
31 to 40% / 31至40%
More than 40% / 40%以上
Which of the following statement would best describe your attitude and status? 阁下认为以下那一段陈述较能形容您的投资态度和状况?
I am confident on investment;I have adequate experience and knowledge that enable me to make my own decision / 我对投资有相当的自信;我有足够的经验和知识让我作出判断
I am not always engaging on investment;I have general knowledge on on investment / 我不经常参与投资活动;我对投资有一般的认知
I am not not very confident on investment; I have limited knowledge on investment and not comfortable to make my own decision / 我对投资没有太大信心;我对投资只有有限的认知,而且没有信心作出个人判断
What is your strategy while facing a significant drop of your stocks? 当面对持有的股票急挫时.阁下会采取什么对策?
Sell off all the stocks you hold instantly / 立即沽售所有持有的股票
Sell off your stocks partially and sell the other part of your stock if it continues to drop / 沽售部份股票,若其持续下跌时沽出其余的股票
Continue to hold the stocks and keep your long term investment strategy / 采用长期投资法并继续持有股票
Hedging strategy activated to reduce loss / 以对冲的方法减少损失
If there is a high return project with high risk, what percentage of capital you will invest on? 若有一个高潜在回报但高风险的投资项目,阁下会用多少百分比的资金投资该项目?
I am not interested in high risk project / 我对高风险的投资不感兴趣
Lower than 10% / 少於10%
11 to 20% / 11至20%
21 to 30% / 21至30%
31 to 40% / 31至40%
More than 40% / 多於40%

10题 | 被引用2次
