CN Ops HR All Hands Survey

Thank you for joining the Q1 2015 CN Ops HR All Hands. We hope you enjoyed the session.  We would like to take the opportunity now to gather some important feedback from each of you.  Please take sometime and answer the following questions:
感谢大家参加2015 Q1 CN Ops HR All Hands!我们期待通过这个机会得到大家的反馈。请帮忙回答以下问题:
Overall how satisfied were you with the All Hands.
整体来说你对本次All Hands的满意程度。
Extremely Satisfied 特别满意
Quite Satisfied 很满意
Somewhat Satisfied 比较满意
Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 没感觉
Quite Dissatisfied 有些不满意
Not satisfied at all 完全不满意
How useful was the information presented during the HR All Hands?
本次HR All Hands的内容对你来说是否有用?

Extremely Useful 极其有用
Quite Useful 非常有用
Moderately Useful 有一些用
Slightly Useful 只有一点点用
Not at All Useful 完全没用
Do you have a better understanding of the Business and HR initiatives for 2015?
If no, please provide feedback:
How can we improve future All Hand sessions?
对于未来All Hands的改进建议?
What would you like to see in future All Hands?
在今后的All Hands会议中你希望看到什么新内容?

6题 | 被引用0次
