What factors determine Uni students to tap/ not tap myki?

Hi, thanks for helping us do the survey for our project. This survey will only take you 1-2 mins. All questions need to be answered. All information contained in this survey will be kept strictly confidential.
Your main form of transport?
Public transport (Train, Tram, Buses)
I don’t take any kinds of transport.
Are you a local student or international student?
Local student
International student
What is your constellation?
Aries (白羊座)
Taurus (金牛座)
Gemini (双子座)
Cancer (巨蟹座)
Leo (狮子座)
Virgo (处女座)
Libra (天秤座)
Scorpio (天蝎座)
Sagittarius (射手座)
Capricorn (摩羯座)
Aquarius (水瓶座)
Pisces (双鱼座)
Do you hold a part-time/ casual job?
What is your estimated income per week?
What is the estimated number of times you take any forms of public transport per week?
On average, what is the estimated number of stations/ stops you will need to travel to reach your destination?
Have you ever not tap on your Myki while travelling on any forms of public transport?
Reason for not tapping?
Have you been fined by the Officer?
Number of times been caught by the Officer:
Amount paid each time you were fined: 
How likely will you not tap the Myki in the future?
Very likely
Somehow likely
Not likely
In what case will you be willing to tap the Myki in the future?
Cheaper fares
More frequent trams/buses/trains
cleaner transport
time saving
more inspectors
Have any of your friends not tap on their Myki while travelling on any forms of public transport?
Any comments/ feedbacks?

16题 | 被引用0次
