Questionnaire - Advanced Drilling Engineering

Are you a Chinese student or an International  student?
Chinese student
International student
What is your mother language?
What is your educational backgroud?
Oil-Gas Drilling Engineering
Oil-Gas Development Engineering
Offshore Oil-Gas Engineering
 What is  your opinion on 'Chinese and International students taking the course all  together'?
It's good. We could learn from each other.
It's not good. We seldom communicate with each other.
It makes no difference to me.
Why  do you choose Advanced Drilling Engineering?
Improve professional English
Learn professional knowledge on Drilling Engineering
Learn international frontier knowledge on Drilling Engineering
Prepare for international academic communications including writingpapers and attending conferences
Prepare for further oversea study
Socialize with other students
Do you have oversea study experience before?
 If you  have oversea (US, UK, European or Australian) study experience, how do you  think about the difference between our English course and that in oversea  universities?
The course in oversea universities is much better
The course in oversea universities is relatively better
There is no difference between the them
No idea
Have you ever studied English professional course in CUPB before?
If you have taken English course before, what do you feel after the first class in Advanced  Drilling Engineering?
The course is very clear and easy to understand
It has some difficulties in understanding
It is quite difficult to understand
If you do not have taken English course before, what do you feel after the first class in Advanced  Drilling Engineering?
The course is very clear and easy to understand
It has some difficulties in understanding
It is quite difficult to understand
 Could you  follow the class?
No problem
Could generally follow the class
Have some difficulties
Can't follow
Please compare the Advanced Drilling Engineering and the Drilling Engineering in Chinese?
The Chinese course is better
The English course is better
Can't compare, because I haven't taken Chinese course yet
Please compare the English course and the bilingual  course
There is no difference
The English course is better
The bilingual course is better
How do you evaluate the contents taught in Advanced Drilling Engineering?
Very good
Not good
How do you evaluate the teacher in Advanced Drilling Engineering?
Very good
Not good
 If you are a Chinese student, do you prefer to use Chinese or English when you  communicate with the teacher?
If you think the course is very good or  relatively good, what are your reasons?
Enjoy westernized class
Use English textbook
Improve English ability
Flexible assessment methods
If you think the course is ordinary or not good, what are your reasons?
The English is difficult
Do not like the assessment method
Do not like English textbook
Do not like westernized class
How do you evaluate the teaching and assessment  method in Advanced Drilling Engineering?
Very good
Not good
Please evaluate the degree of difficulty of the  final exam:
Very difficult
Relatively difficult
What is your opinion on the final exam content?
The testing content is too broad
The testing content is moderate
The testing content is too narrow
What is your opinion on the way of assessment?
Increase weight on final exam grade
Increase weight on ordinary grade including attendance and homework
Maintain the current status
What is our opinion towards the textbook?
I prefer the textbook written in my mother language
I prefer the textbook written in English
Both two types of textbooks are fine for me
What is your general feeling about the Advanced Drilling Engineering?
Very good
Not good
Will you still choose English professional  course in the future?
To be indifferent
What are your opinion and suggestion on the  exam paper?
What are your opinion and suggestion on the  homework?
What is your suggestion to improve the work of  the teaching assistant?
What is the most benefit from the Advanced  Drilling Engineering?
What is your suggestion to improve this course?

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