Pre-Listening Survey

 Pre-Listening Survey

 1. How many meetings do you attend each week, on average?   


A. More than 5 超过5次
C. 1-2 1到2次
D. None 一次也没有

2. How do you feel about the number of meetings you attend each week?


A. Too many 太多
B. Too few 太少
C. Just about right 还算过得去

 3. How long is your average meeting?


A. Less than 15 minutes 少于15分钟
B. 15-30 minutes 15到30分钟
C. 30 minutes to one hour30分钟到一个小时
D. More than one hour 超过一个小时

 4. How do you feel about the length of meetings you attend? 


A. Too long 太长
B. Too short 太短
C. Just about right 还过得去

 5. How many people usually attend your meetings, including yourself?


A. 1-3 people1到3人
B. 4-6 people 4到6人
C. 7-9 people 7到9人
D.10 or more people 10人或更多

 6. How do you feel about the number of people at your meetings?


A. Too many 太多
B. Too few 太少
C. Just about right 还过得去

 7. Which of the following statements represents your view of meetings?


A. They are usually a waste of time. 他们通常浪费时间
B. They are sometimes useful. 他们有时是有用的
C. They are usually useful and productive. 他们通常是有用的和富有成效的

7题 | 被引用0次
