中高端内衣消费者意向调查问卷 Questionnaire of middle-high end lingerie customers· intention

男 Male
女 Female
您的年龄? Your age
28岁以下 Under 28
28-40岁 Between 28-40
40岁以上 Over 40
您的月收入水平是? Your monthly salary
4000以下 Under 4000RMB
8001以上 Over 8001rmb
您购买内衣的类型是? Which type of lingerie do you buy?
款式漂亮就行 As long as it is beautiful
简单,纯色 Simple,pure color
根据外衣调整的内衣 Can be adjusted to suit outwear
保健调整型内衣 Health care reshape underwear
情趣内衣 Sexy lingerie
紧身胸衣 Corselet
硅胶内衣 Silicone
您喜欢的内衣款式? Which model of lingerie do you like?
薄杯 Thin bra
厚杯 Thick bra
聚拢型 Push up bra
1/2 罩杯1/2 cup
3/4 罩杯 3/4 cup
全罩杯 Full cup
可拆卸肩带的 Removable strap
不可拆卸肩带的 Non-removable strap
无肩带的 Non strap
其他 Others
您购买的内裤类型是? Which kinds of underpants do you buy?
三角裤 Briefs
平角裤 Boyshorts
丁字裤 Thong
细线丁字裤 G-srting
高腰裤 Highweist
低腰 Low waist
纯棉 Cotton
蕾丝 Lace
网面 Mesh fabric
无所谓,便宜就好 As long as it is cheap
您接受的内衣价位是?What price range of lingerie do you accept?
100以下 Under 100rmb
100-300 RMB
301-500 RMB
501-1000 RMB
1001以上 Over 1000 RMB
您是否购买过情趣内衣?Have you purchased sexy lingerie?
是 Yes
否 No
您购买情趣内衣的频次是?How often do you buy sexy lingerie?
没想过买 Never think about buying it
平均每月至少购买一件 At least once a month on average
看见喜欢就买 Buy it when I love it
只买过一两次 Only purchase once or twice
您一般是在哪里购买情趣内衣? Where do you usually buy sexy lingerie?
淘宝 Taobao
专门卖情趣内衣的网站 Specific website of sexy lingerie
情趣用品店 Sex shop
情趣内衣专卖店 Sexy lingerie shop
海外购买 Abroad
其他 Others
您购买过哪个品牌的情趣内衣?Which brand of sexy lingerie have you bought?
每件情趣内衣,您或您的伴侣会使用几次?How many times of each piece of sexy lingerie would you or your companion use?
只穿1次 Only once
2次 Twice
3-5次 3-5times
5次以上 Over 5 times
同一件情趣内衣,您和您的伴侣使用过几次会失去新鲜感?How many times would you and your companion loose freshness for the same sexy lingerie?
1次 Once
2-3次 2-3 times
4-6次 4-6 times
6次以上 Over 6 times
您购买过的情趣内衣,每件的平均价格是?On average, how much does it cost of each your sexy lingerie?
20元以下 Under 20 RMB
21-50元 21-50 RMB
51-100元51-100 RMB
201-500元 201-500RMB
501元以上 Over 501 RMB
以下各因素中,您购买内衣首要考虑的是?Below factors, what would you consider when you buy lingerie?
款式的设计 Design
方便又安全的购买途径 Convenient and safe approach
品牌 Brand
价格 Price
产品质量 Quality
您希望见到伴侣穿着情趣内衣增添彼此的性趣吗? Would you love to see your companion wearing sexy lingerie to have more joy between sex?
是 Yes
否 No
您愿意购买情趣内衣给你的伴侣吗?Would you buy sexy lingerie for your companion?
是 Yes
否 No
您愿意接受情趣内衣的价格是? What price range would you accept to buy?
20元以下 Under 20 RMB
21-50元 21-50 RMB
51-100元51-100 RMB
201-500元 201-500RMB
501元以上 Over 501 RMB
您觉得现在在售的情趣内衣还存在哪些值得改进的地方? What do you think to improve current sexy lingerie on sale?
快递过来的包装过于直接暴露 The package is over exposed
款式设计太一般,有的甚至流于粗俗 Poor design, evencoarse
质量不够好,易断裂,开线等 Bad quality, breakable or unsewn
品牌形象不高,不能带来精神层面的认同和满足 Poor brand image, can`t bringpsychological identification and satisfaction
希望具有常规内衣功能,平常也可穿着 Hope to haveregular lingerie function, can be wore in daily
要有更方便值得信赖的购买渠道 More convenient and reliable approach

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