Feedback_Presentation Skills One-on-One Coaching Program_2015 Q3

Many thanks for participating in this one-on-one coaching program. We value your input and will incorporate your feedback & suggestions into our planning for future sessions. 感谢参与此次一对一辅导培训项目。我们非常重视你的反馈,会把你的意见和建议用于今后课程的设计。

1. On a scale of 1 – 5 below, how would you rate this program overall?你对这次培训的整体打分是多少?

5 非常好 Excellent
4 比较好 Pretty good
3 一般 So so
2 不太好 Not good
1 非常差 Poor
2. What did you like the most about this program?你对这次培训最喜欢的部分是什么?
3. What would you change about this program?你会对这次培训做哪些改变?
4. List three things you will do differently as a result of taking this program. 参加了这次培训后,请列出三项你今后会做出改变的地方:
A.    ____________
B.    ____________
C.    ____________

5题 | 被引用2次
