Questionnaire of green business

    This is a survey about the green business, would you mind sparing a few minutes to answer the following questions in this questionnaire carefully ? Thanks for your support and cooperation!

What is your gender?(您的性别?)
boy (男)
girl (女)

   Please choose the important factors you think in the following chart when buying the following things?(please choose the one you think in the corresponding chart, multi-select)(请在下表中选择你认为在购物中比较重要的因素(请在对应的方框中选择,可多选))

Quality (质量) Price (价格) Brandname(品牌) Packaging(包装) Environmental Friendly (环保型) Comments (其他因素)
Laundry detergent(洗衣液)
Milk (牛奶)
Do you know the meaning of green business?  (你了解绿色商品的概念(含义)吗?)
No (完全不了解)
Just a little (了解一点 )
Yes (了解)
When you buy things in the supermarket, do you notice  the mark of 'RECYCLE' on the goods? (购买商品时是否注意到商品包装上的可回收标志?)
Yes (有注意到)
Sometimes (偶尔注意)
Foucing on the production date only (只关注生产日期)
Do you think it is necessary to buy green productions? (你觉得有必要购买绿色商品吗?)
No, general goods can meet the demands ; (没有必要,一般的商品就可以满足需求)
Not necessary , some goods need, some don't need;(不一定,有些商品需要,有些不需要)
Yes , it is necessary ; (非常有必要)
 If  there are some goods with same price , which kind do you choose?  (同等价格的商品,你会选择哪一种?) 
Green business (绿色商品 )
It doesn't matter (无所谓)
General goods (一般商品)
 What  is the main reason of you not deliberately choosing green products when  shopping ? (在购物时没有特意选择绿色商品的最主要原因是什么?)
Know nothing about the green production;(对绿色商品不了解)
Green production has higher price;(绿色商品比一般商品价格高)
Not necessary to choose the green production;(认为没有必要选择绿色商品)
Not trust the quality of the green production ; (对绿色商品的质量不放心,觉得其不可靠)
After this survey , would you like to pay  attention to the green productions when shopping ? (通过本次调查,以后在购买商品时会不会关注商品是否绿色环保呢?) 
Yes, I will (会)
No, still not change (和以前一样,不会改变)
Some goods will (某些商品会)

8题 | 被引用1次
