Symbols of Freedom - 文本讲解小测验

Welcome to this test! You have 8 minutes to finish it.  
What is the topic of this book?
Which one is the United States flag?
Look at this picture. What is it? And what does it stand for?
Why is the Washington Monument the symbol of the United States?
Because it honors the first president of the United States.
Because it stands for friendship and freedom.
Because it stands for the birth and growth of the United States.
Does memorial have to be a building?
Which one of the following is the correct way to refer to "美国"? (It may have more than one correct answers.)
the U.S.
the U.S.A.
the States
the United States
Which one of the following sentence is correct? (It may have more than one correct answers.)
Dogs are our friends. Theywork for us. They hunt with us.
The dog is a loyal co-worker, friend or family member. They are the ones who care about us and help us most!
In ancient Greece, dog was kept as a watchdog.
The following sentences all have the word "stand" in it. Which "stand" is used to talk about location?
She stands 6 feet tall.
The house stands alone on top of a small hill.
The army stands ready to do what is necessary.
Why is informaion about the Lincoln Memorial included in a book about symbols of America?
What would you see if you visited Mount Rushmore? 

11题 | 被引用1次
