欧尚网购自提用户体验满意度调查Auchandrive picking up user experience satisfaction survey

欢迎参加本次答题(问卷完成后,将向您的账户返券20元)Welcome to fill out the questionnaire (After completing the questionnaire, you can get ¥20 coupons)
您的欧尚网购账户是(填手机号,完成问卷,返券到您的账户): What is your auchandrive account ?(Fill  in mobile phone number) 
您购物的网购店是?  Which store do you often shopping in?
上海长阳网购店 Shanghai home delivery
苏州金鸡湖网购店 Suzhou home delivery
您的订单日期?  Your order date?
日期    ____________
您使用欧尚网购的频率:How  often do you use auchandrive?
一周一次 Once one weeks
两周一次 Once two weeks
每月一次 Oncea month
两个月一次 Once two months
三个月一次或更少 Once three months or less
您觉得我们的商品价格怎么样?What  do you think of the price of our products?
便宜 Cheap
贵 Expensive
您在我们网站购物时,是否发现有些想买的商品却没有找到? Was there any item missing on our website that you want to buy?
没有 No
有 Yes
哪些商品是您想买却没有找到的?Please  write down these items which are missing on our website that you want to buy?
您对整个购物过程感到满意吗?Are you satisfied  with your purchase process? 
满意 Satisfied
不满意 Unsatisfied
我们哪里做的让您不满意呢? What makes you unsatisfied?
您是选择配送还是自提? Do  you prefer delivery or picking up?
配送 Delivery
自提 Picking up
送货员上门的时间是在您选择的时间内吗?Did  the delivery with in the time you chose
是 Yes
否 No
送货员在送货前是否和您确认过时间以及地址?Did  the delivery man confirm the time and address with you before delivery?
是 Yes
否 No
当您上门提货时,我们的员工是否用您的名字称呼您?Did  our staff call you by your name when you came to pick up? 
是 Yes
否 No
当您到店提货的时候,我们的员工是否能够在您结完账5分钟之内就将商品送到您的手上? Did our staff succeed to deliver your goods within 5 minutes after the payment when you came to pick up the goods?
是 Yes
否 No
您的性别? What is your gender?
男 Male
女 Female
您的年龄: How old are you?
> 45
您的家庭月收入?The monthly income of you family is?

17题 | 被引用0次
