中国民营企业退市原因调查Causes of Delisting of Private Enterprises in China

敬启者Dear Sir/Madam:

       我是菲律宾凯迪雷拉大学管理学博士学生,也是一名中国律师。I am an Chinese attorney and a PhD student for PHD at University of the Cordilleras in the Philippines.

       我现在正在组织开展一次中国民营企业退市原因分析与研究。需要耽误您几分钟时间帮我完成相关主题调查。I am currently conducting a research on “Causes of Delisting of Private Enterprises in China”. In this connection, please take time to fill out this questionnaire. 

       您的认真协助将对我的研究很重要。但同时我也承诺未经您允许不对外披露您的观点。Your help is important in the completion of my study. Rest assured that your responses will be kept confidential.

       谢谢!Thank you very much.

       您忠实的朋友江泽利。Sincerely JIANG ZELI(Researcher)

您的性别(Your Gender).
您的教育程度(Your Education Level)
大专以下(college degree or below).
硕士及以上(master or above)
您的职务/职位(Position Occupied of Yourself):
高层管理者 (Top-level Manager)
中层管理者 (Middle-level Manager)
基层管理者(Lower-level Manager)
普通职工(General Staff)
其他 (Others)
您是否有退市企业(注:因无法继续经营而退出市场)工作的经历(Do you have the experience of working in delisted enterprises (Note: because of the inability to continue to operate and out of market)?
如果您对问题4的回答“是”,则请您据实情回答以下各问题;否则,请您根据您的经验回答以下各问题(If you answer "yes" to the question 4, please answer the following questions according to the facts; otherwise, please answer the following questions according to your experience)。
请描述一下您所了解或者曾经工作过的某一个退市民营企业的类型(Please check one the appropriate decription of the type of delisted enterprise where you were employed or you know).
第一产业 (Primary Industry)
第二产业 (Secondary Industry)
第三产业 (Tertiary Industry)
请描述一下该退市民营企业的产品和服务产品(Please check one the appropriate decription of the product and service offered of delisted enterprise where you were employed or you know).
a) 农林牧渔业 (Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery).
b) 采矿业(Mining).
c) 制造业 (Manufacturing).
d) 电力、热力、燃气及生产和供应 (Production and Supply of Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water).
e) 建筑业 (Construction).
f) 批发和零售业 (Wholesale and Retail Trades).
g) 交通运输、仓储和邮政业 (Transport, Storage and Post).
h) 住宿和餐饮业 (Hotels and Catering Services).
i) 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 (Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology).
j) 金融业 (Financial Intermediation).
k)房地产 (Real Estate).
l) 租赁和商务服务业 (Leasing and Business Services).
m) 科学研究和技术服务业 (Scientific Research and Technical Services).
n) 水利、环境和公共设施管理业(Management of Water Conservancy, Environment).
o) 居民服务、修理和其他服务业 (Services to Households, Repair and Other Services).
p) 教育 (Education).
q) 卫生和社会工作(Health and Social Service).
r) 文化、体育和娱乐业(Culture, Sports and Entertainment).
s) 公共管理、社会保障和社会组织(Public Management, Social Security and Social Organization).
t) 其他 (Others).
请描述一下您所了解或者曾经工作过的某一个退市民营企业所处的发展阶段(Please check the specific stage of development upon which your enterprise/company got delisted).
a) 发展初期(Start-up stage).
b) 成长期 (Growth stage).
c) 成熟期 (Maturity stage).
d) 衰退期/可能的再发展期 (Decline /Re-development stage).
该民营企业在退市前的员工人数(Indicate the approximate number of employees of your enterprise during the time of being delisted).
 <20
 20>200
 200>500
 >500
该退市民营企业的年营业收入(Please indicate the annual operating income of the delisting enterprise).
200万元及以下( below 2 Millions RMB)
200-500万元 (2-5 Millions RMB)
500-1000万元 (5-10 Millions RMB)
1000万元以上 (10 Millions RMB and Above)
请描述一下该退市民营企业的存续时间(Please indicate the number years of existence of delisting enterprise).
1-3 Years (1-3年)
4-6 Years(4-6 年)
7-9 Years(7-9 年)
10 Year and Above(10 年及以上)
以下企业退市的社会经济原因中,哪些是你们退市企业的近似真实的原因?请选出一项最可能导致你们企业退市的社会经济原因(Which among the following social-economic causes is most true of your delisted enterprise? Please click one on the most probable social-economic cause that lead to your enterprise being delisted. Please click only one):
a) 社会风险 (Socially Risk). 比如:罢工导致企业停产(EX: Strike led to enterprises stop production).
b) 经济风险(Economic Risk). 比如:世界经济危机,出口产品滞销(EX: The world economic crisis, the export products unsalable).
c) 产业结构风险 ( Industrial Risk). 比如:产业结构调整,导致企业转型(EX: Adjustment of industrial structure, leading to enterprise transformation).
d) 市场风险 (Market Risk). 比如,消费习惯改变,导致产品滞销(EX: Changing consumer habits lead to the product unmarketable).
e) 其他 (Others).
以下企业退市的法律政策原因中,哪些是你们退市企业的近似真实的原因?请选出一项最可能导致你们企业退市的法律政策原因(Which among the following politico-legal causes is most true of your delisted enterprise? Please click one on the most probable politico-legal cause that lead to your enterprise being delisted. Please click only one):
a) 政策风险(Political Risk). 比如: 因产业政策调整,企业被迫退市(EX: Due to the adjustment of industrial policy, enterprises are forced to withdraw).
b) 法律法规风险(Legal Risk). 比如:因法律法规变化使企业业务受损(EX: Because of changes in laws and regulations, the enterprise business damaged).
c) 管理制度风险(Management Institution Risk). 比如:企业规章制度漏洞,导致员工犯罪(EX: Loopholes in the rules and regulations of enterprises, resulting in employee crime).
d) 操作流程风险(Business Process Risk). 比如:业务流程不清晰,导致公司内耗严重(EX: The business process is not clear, lead to serious internal friction).
e) 其他(Others).
以下企业退市的人为原因中,哪些是你们退市企业的近似真实的原因?请选出一项最可能导致你们企业退市的与人相关原因(Which among the following socio-demographic causes is most true of your delisted enterprise? Please click one on the most probable socio-demographic cause that lead to your enterprise being delisted. Please click only one):
a)合作风险(Cooperative Risk). 比如:股东争议导致企业发展受阻(EX: Shareholder disputes led to the development of enterprises blocked).
b)人力资源风险(Human Risk). 比如:员工队伍不稳定(EX: Staff team is not stable).
c)市场竞争风险(Competing Risk). 市场竞争加大(EX: Increased market competition).
d)人才流失风险(Brain Drain Risk). 比如: 中高层管理者离职(EX: Middle and senior managers leave).
e) 其他(Others).
以下企业退市的技术原因中,哪些是你们退市企业的近似真实的原因?请选出一项最可能导致你们企业退市的与技术相关的原因(Which among the following technological causes is most true of your delisted enterprise? Please click one on the most probable technological cause that lead to your enterprise being delisted. Please click only one):
a)管理系统风险(Management System Risk). 比如:没有合适的管理系统(EX: No suitable management system).
b)贯彻执行风险(Execution Risk). 比如: 执行力不强(EX: The executive power is not strong).
c)产品质量风险(Quality of Product Risk). 比如,产品质量不好(EX:Product quality is not good).
d) 服务质量风险(Quality of Service Risk). 比如:服务质量不高(EX: Service quality is not high).
e) 其他(Others).
为规避中国民营企业退市,请选择5个您认为最有效的风险管理策略(Please check (/) 5 of the proposed strategies  in order to prepare the private enterprises to manage risk and avoid delisting or investment business failure).
a) 学习并遵守国家法律和政策、法规(Learn and comply with laws and regulations).
b) 理解并紧跟经济产业政策(Understand and grasp the direction of economic policy and industry).
c) 建立现代企业管理模式(Establishing the modern enterprise management structure).
d) 建立企业文化,完善公司使命(Rich corporate culture, improve and perfect corporate mission).
e) 制定公司规章制度并坚决执行(Establishing corporate rules and regulations and resolutely implement).
f) 健全公司风险管理体系(Establishing enterprise risk management system).
g) 加强企业风险管理(Strengthen business risk management).
h) 加强人力资源管理,建立高效团队(Strengthen human resources management and establish a highly efficient team).
i) 整合公司内外资源并有效利用(Integrate internal and external resources and the use it).
j) 其他(Others).
如果您对上述各问题有补充建议,请在此注明(If you have additional suggestions for the above questions, please specify):

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