Students's Spending Habits

Welcome to participate in this survey.
What's the main source of your daily expenses?
From parents.
From student loan or subsidy.
From scholarship.
From part-time job.
Do you save money?
Where do you usually spend money?
On food.
On clothing.
On books.
On entertainment.
On travel.
How much are your monthly expenses?
Less than 600 yuan.
600-1,000 yuan.
1,000-1,500 yuan.
Over 1,500 yuan.
Why you sometimes get financial distress?
Keeping a luxury.
Eating too much.
Using too much money on entertsinment.
If you have financial problems,what you will do to solve them? 
Ask parents for help.
Ask friends for help.
Do some part-time job.
How do you arrange your pocket money?
Keeping accounts everyday.
Only buy necessities.
Take a part of moner to start up business.
Pinch and scrape.
If you have extra money, what do you prefer to do?
Save it.
Buy something luxury.
Buy some books.
Have a meal with friends.

8题 | 被引用2次
