


(Dear students, we are doing a research on foreign students' Chinese study. This is a survey on Chinese learning motivation of foreign students. We concern about your personal opinion about these questions, please answer them according to your own situation. We promise the results of yours will only be used in the research. Thank you for your participation.)


(It is the first part from this question, we need to know something about you and your parents' information.)

性别 (Gender):
年龄 (Age):
文化程度 (Education Level):
高中及以下(High school and below)
本科在读或已获学士学位 (Undergraduate in university or Bachelor)
硕士在读或已获硕士学位 (Postgraduate in university or Master)
博士在读或已获博士学位 (Doctor in university or Doctor)
国籍(Nationality) (If you don’t know how to write in Chinese, please write it in English):
母语(Mother Language) (If you don’t know how to write in Chinese, please write it in English):
是否华裔?(Are you a foreigner of Chinese descent?)
你的汉语水平是 (HSK Level):
HSK一级 (HSK Level I)
HSK二级 (HSK Level II )
HSK三级 (HSK Level III)
HSK四级 (HSK Level IV)
HSK五级 (HSK Level V)
HSK六级 (HSK Level VI)
你是否曾经有过工作或仍在工作?(Did you have a job or do you have a job now?)
你现在或曾经的工作是 (What is or was your job?)
你的工作和汉语有关系吗?  (Is/Was your job related with Chinese?)
你在哪里学习汉语? (Where do you learn Chinese?)
中国 (China)
别的国家(包括自己的国家) (other country (include your nationality))
我在中国或者别的国家(包括自己的国家)都学习了汉语 (I learned Chinese in China and other country (include my nationality).)
你开始学习汉语时的年龄是多少岁? (How old were you when you started to learn Chinese?)
汉语是你的第几外语?(Is Chinese the first, second or third foreign language that you have learned?)
第一种(The first)
第2种(The second)
第3种及第3种以上(The third or later)
你学习汉语一共有多长时间?(How long have you learned Chinese in all?)
少于半年(Less than half a year)
半年~2 年(Half a year~Two years)
2年~4年(Two years~Four years)
超过4年(More than four years)
你每年为了学习汉语的学费是多少?(How much is your tuition in Chinese study each year?)
10000美元以下 (below 10000$)
10000~30000美元 (10000~30000$)
30000~50000美元 (30000~50000$)
50000美元以上 (more than 50000$)
你为了学习汉语,放弃过更好的工作吗?(Have you ever given up a better job in order to learn Chinese?)
是 (Y)
否 (N)
放弃的那份工作可能会给你带来多少年收入?(How much you would get each month from the job you have given up?)
10000美元以下 (below 10000$)
10000~30000美元 (10000~30000$)
30000~50000美元 (30000~50000$)
50000美元以上 (more than 50000$)
你希望通过汉语给自己增加多少年收入?(How much you want to gain by learning Chinese each month?)
10000美元以下 (below 10000$)
10000~30000美元 (10000~30000$)
30000~50000美元 (30000~50000$)
50000美元以上 (more than 50000$)
你希望通过汉语得到多少学年奖学金?(How much scholarship you want to get by learning Chinese each year?)
10000美元以下 (below 10000$)
10000~30000美元 (10000~30000$)
30000~50000美元 (30000~50000$)
50000美元以上 (more than 50000$)
你父亲是否华裔?(Is  your father foreigner of Chinese descent?)
你母亲是否华裔?(Is  your mother foreigner of Chinese descent?)
你父母的年收入是 (Your parents' monthly salary):
10000美元以下 (below 10000$)
10000~30000美元 (10000~30000$)
30000~50000美元 (30000~50000$)
50000美元以上 (more than 50000$)
(It's the second part, we need to know your reasons and purposes of learning Chinese.)

选项的含义:(The meanings of options are:)
1 非常同意 (Strongly Agree)
2 同意 (Agree)
3 不一定 (Neot sure)
4 不同意 (Disagree)
5 非常不同意 (Strongly disagree)

请根据实际情况选择。(Please choose the answer according to your actual situation.)

(About your learning cost):
1 2 3 4 5
1.因为汉语的学费比较低。 Because tuition of Chinese is lower.
2.因为汉语的学习资料比较便宜。 Because learning materials of Chinese are cheaper.
3.因为汉语与我的母语有相似之处,对我来说更容易学习。 Because Chinese is similar to my mother language, and it's easy for me to learn.)
4.因为学会汉语可以为我节省生活费用(如翻译、购买商品等)。 Because mastering Chinese can save the money (such as translation, goods) for me.
5.因为中国离我的国家很近,差旅费比较低。 Because China is closed to my country, and the traveling expense is lower.
(About your learning benefit):
1 2 3 4 5
1.因为我想在中国找到一份好工作。 Because I want to get a good job in China.
2.因为学习汉语可以让我在工作中更有竞争力。 Because mastering Chinese can gain my competitiveness in my work.
3.因为我想得到更高的收入。 Because I want to get a higher salary.
4.因为学好汉语可以获得奖学金。 Because mastering Chinese can win scholarship.
5.因为我想在中国各地旅游。 Because I want to travel around China.
6.因为我希望在中国接受更好的教育。 Because I hope that I could get better education.
7.因为我想阅读更多的中国书籍,掌握更多知识。 Because I want to read more Chinese books and gain knowledge.
8.因为我想更好地欣赏中国文化和艺术。 Because I want to admire Chinese culture and Art more easily.
9.因为我想在中国获得学位。 Because I want to get a diploma in China.
10.因为我想结交更多的中国朋友。 Because I want to make friends with more Chinese people.
11.因为我想获得中国人的好感。 Because I want to make good impression to Chinese.
12.因为现在世界上学汉语的人越来越多,我可以用汉语和更多人交流。 Because I can communicate with more people in Chinese since more and more people are studying Chinese.
13.因为学会汉语能获得家人、老师、同学或老板对我的认可。 Because mastering Chinese can help me to gain recognition from my family members, my teacher, my classmates, my boss etc.
14.因为学习汉语会使我的人生更加开阔。 Because learning Chinese may broaden my life.
15.因为学会汉语可以使我获得更高的社会地位。 Because mastering Chinese can make me get higher social position.
16.因为学好汉语可以让我获得更多人的尊敬。 Because mastering Chinese can help me get more respect from others.

24题 | 被引用5次
