2016 Summer GCDS CT Application


GCDS=Global Citizenship Development Seminar

GCDS as the Incoming Preparation Seminar (IPS)for all trainees in MoC, it aims at helping the trainees to get equipped for starting a purposeful and enjoyable experience. In year 2016, GCDS will mainly focus on  LEAD delivery, cross-culture communication and group work.


Location & Time:

East:    6.29-7.1 Shanghai

South:  7.13-7.15 Guangzhou

North:  7.17-7.19 Beijing


Conference Team JD:

-Design and deliver the conference sessions.

-Receive MC training twice from 5.25-6.15

-Get session outline ready before 6.19/7.3/7.7

-Cooperate with the Agenda Manager and Chair to host the conference.

-Communicate with OCT to ensure the conference go smoothly.

-Make the conference meaningful and enjoyable for everyone in the plenary!


-Accommodation, Food during the conference and TCS will be covered according to MC budget.
-CT are required to be onsite 2 days before the conference starts.


CT APP DDL: 5.18


 Chinese & English Name?
Wechat ID
Phone number

Previous experience related to GCDP/Trainee Experience/Training?

Please only focus on the experience that prove you have the qualification to design and deliver GCDS sessions or be the CT of a conference.

What is your understanding of GCDS?

 What kind of Session do you desperately want to deliver in GCDS?

Basically describe it and tell us why it is important.

Why do you think you are qualified to be chosen as CT? 
Can you be onsite 2 days before the conference that you choose?
Sorry, I can't.

Can you fulfill the CT JD if you are chosen as CT?

-Design and deliver the conference sessions.

-Receive MC training twice from 5.25-6.15

-Get session outline ready before 6.19/7.3/7.7

-Cooperate with the Agenda Manager and Chair to host the conference.

-Communicate with OCT to ensure the conference go smoothly.

-Make the conference meaningful and enjoyable for everyone in the plenary!

Yes, definitely
No. Reasons are:

Which region would you like to apply for?

You are very welcomed to choose more than 1 region.

East: 6.29-7.1 Shanghai
South: 7.13-7.15 Guangzhou
North: 7.17-7.19 Beijing

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