
Do you play any musical instrument? 你会演奏任何一种乐器么?
yes 是的
no 不是
What does the musical instrument that you play mean to you? 对于你来说,你演奏的乐器对于你来说意味着什么?
personal interest 个人兴趣爱好
the choice made by parents 家长的要求
personal ability 个人能力的代表
It is my life 像自己的生命一样重要
What musical instrument do you play? 你演奏什么乐器?
piano 钢琴
violin 小提琴
guitar 吉他
cello 大提琴
others 其他
If your answer is "others" for question 3, please specify: 如果您第三题的答案是其他,请详述
If you have a chance, would you choose to learn a musical instrument? 如果您可以重新选择,您还会选择一个乐器去学习么?
yes 是的
no 不是
If you said "yes" for question 5, what musical instrument would you choose to learn and play? Is it the same as the one that you are playing? 如果您第五题的答案是“是的“,您会选择学习什么乐器? 这和你现在所学习的是否为同一个乐器?(答案请直接回答”乐器名+是或否“)
which musical instrument is mostly learnt among your friends? 在您的朋友中,学习哪个乐器的人数最多?
Did your parents force you to play a musical instrument? 您的家长有逼迫过您学习乐器么?
yes 是的
no 不是

8题 | 被引用0次
