
Dear Sir/Madam:
This questionnaire is used to analyze the factors which could influence Chinese outbound travelers to choose tourist destination.The whole questionnaire will only take a few minutes to complete.Your views will be of great value to the research. Your questionnaire responses will remain anonymous, strictly confidential and will not be used for any other purpose except co compile statistics about the research. Thank you very much for your participation.

What is your gender?(您的性别是?)
Male (男)
Female (女)
What is your age in years? (您今年多少岁了?)
> 60
What is your level of education? (您的文化程度?)
Primary (小学)
High School (中学)
Bachelor (本科)
Masters (硕士)
PHD (博士)
How much is the total income of your family? (RMB/yearly) (您家庭的年收入是多少?)
< 50,000
50,000– 100,000
100,000 – 500,000
> 500,000
What's your marital status?(您的婚姻情况为?)
single( 未婚)
married without children(已婚,无小孩)
married with infant children(已婚,小孩未成年)
married with mature children(已婚,小孩已成年)
others (其他)
What's your career at present?(您现在的职业是?)
civil servant(公务员)
institution worker(事业单位人员)
soldier (军人)
enterprise workers企业职工
individual household (个体户)
retiree (离退休人员)
teacher (教师)
student (学生)
other (其他)
Where's your residence at present? (您目前居住在?)
city (城市)
county seat (县城)
villiages and towns (乡镇)
rural area (农村)
How much do you know about traveling abroad? 您对出国旅游了解多少?
If you are going to travel internationally,what's your possible purpose? 如果您要进行一次出国旅游,那么您的出国目的可能是?
learning (学习体验)
shopping (购物娱乐)
visiting relations (访亲交友)
never plan for traveling abroad (没有出国体验的打算)
How do  you arrange tour plan if you are planing to travel abroad ? 
being arranged by travel agency (由旅行社确定)
getting suggesion from acquaintances (听从朋友、亲戚、同事的建议)
being arranged by yourself using internet (自己搜索网上的信息进行制定)
traveling without plan (不做计划,说走就走)
Which time would you choose if you are planing for traveling abroad ?
 假如您要进行一次出国旅游,您最可能选择的时间是? *
choosing holidays only (只选择节假日)
choosing best time for destination only (只选择最适合目的地的旅行时间)
avoiding the peak tourist time (只选择避开旅游高峰时期)
any time (任意时间都可以)
Please rate on a scale of 1-5 the following statement. (请您对下列的说法进行打分,1-5分)
Traveling abroad is pleasant(出国旅游是愉快的) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Traveling abroad can adjust life rhythm (出国旅游能调节生活节奏) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's worth spending money and time traveling abroad (为出国旅游花费金钱和时间很值得) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It makes me tired to prepare so much to traveling abroad (出国旅游的准备太多让人厌烦) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My family is very supportive of me to travel abroad (家人支持我出国旅游) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My friends are very supportive of me to travel abroad (同事朋友支持我出国旅游) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have enough time to travel abroad.(我有足够的时间进行出国旅游) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can afford traveling abroad (我有足够的金钱进行出国旅游) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have enough physical strength to travel abroad. (我有足够的体力进行出国旅游) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can get enough imformation needed for traveling imformation.(我能够找到出国旅游需要的相关信息) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would like to recommend others to travel abroad. (我会推荐别人出国旅游) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rate from 1 to 10 to show the extent of importance of the following text related to traveling abroad."1" means it's  not important at all to you ."10" means it's very important . 请您对下列出国旅游的相关内容按照您认为的重要程度进行排序
destination's history and culture 旅行目的地的历史文化
destination's natural beauty 旅行目的地的自然风光
destination's local conditions and customs 旅行目的地的风土人情
your hourage (您可以旅行的总时间)
the distance from your residence to destination(您与目的地的距离)
the convenience of transpotations to go to destination (交通的便捷程度)
the price of tranpotation (交通的价格水平)
the maturity of living facilities 生活配套设施是否完善
the sanitary condition of board and lodging 食宿的卫生条件
the price of board and lodging(食宿的价格水平)
whether there are acquaintances in destination(目的地有没有熟人)

13题 | 被引用5次
