Beijing Public Bus Survey 北京公共汽车调查问卷

Gender 性别
Male 男
Female 女
Age 年龄
Occupation 职业
How often do you take public bus a week? 您一周内大约乘坐几次公共汽车?
Never 永不
Once to three times 一次到三次
Three to five times 三到五次
Everyday 每天
What do you think about comfort level of Beijing public bus? (5 is the best)
Comport level of Beiijng public bus北京公共汽车的舒适度 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
选项2 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What do you think about the convenience level of Beijing public bus? (5 is the best)
Convenience level of Beijing public bus北京公共汽车方便程度 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What will make you to take public bus? (Multiple choice)
Cheap price 价格便宜
Convenience 方便
Large areas are covered 覆盖面广
Multiple lines 线路多
Other 其他
Other suggestions about Beijing public bus system. 对于北京公共汽车系统的建议

8题 | 被引用1次
