麦克米伦教育ELT Upgrade教学实践技能研讨会在线注册/Macmillan ELT Upgrade Days Online Registration

感谢您对此研讨会的关注!请完整填写下列注册信息,我们将于10月8日前与您确认参会信息。/Thank you for your interest in Macmillan ELT Upgrade Days. Please fill in the form below to register. The confirmation letter will be sent to you by Oct 8th.
请选择您要参加的研讨会场次/Which event you will attend?
麦克米伦教育ELT Upgrade教学实践技能研讨会-上海专场-10月11日/Oct 11thShanghai
麦克米伦教育ELT Upgrade教学实践技能研讨会-北京专场-10月13日/Oct 13th Beijing
研讨会将于10时50分开始进行两个场次、四个主题的讲座,请选择每个时段您计划参加的主题讲座/There will be two parallel sessions from 10:50 to 12:35 pm covering four topics, please choose the ones you plan to attend: 
Session 1: 10:50 -11:40 am
少儿英语教学专题——如何借助英文读写能力培养引导儿童早期语言发展/Young Learners Upgrade - Literacy Revisited: A higher skill set for early language development (Anna Hasper)
学术技能提升专题——如何在课堂内外有效培养学生学习自主性和能动性/Academic Upgrade: Optimizing learning in and out of the classroom: A higher skill set for developing Learner Autonomy (Jake Whiddon)
Session 2: 11:45 -12:35 pm
少儿英语教学专题——如何通过CLIL教学有效发展学生核心素养/Young Learners Upgrade - The 4Cs of CLIL: A higher skill set for developing young learner competencies (Jake Whiddon)
学术技能提升专题——如何通过差异化教学帮助不同程度学生实现优质学习 /Academic Upgrade - Optimizing learning through differentiation: A higher skill set for mixed-ability groups (Anna Hasper)
您的姓名/Your Name
您所在的学校或机构全称/Institution Name
您的学校或机构的所在地/Institution Location(city, province)
您所在学校或机构的类型/Institution Type
公立学校/Public School
私立学校/Private School
其他,请注明。/Others, please specify.
您的职位/Your Position
您的邮箱/Your Email
您的手机号码/Your Mobile Phone Number
备注:同机构参会人员请单独填写注册信息。感谢您的理解和支持!Note: Please fill in the form individually if from the same institution.

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