

The aim of this research is to identify factors that could predict pro-environmental behavior in China. Please note that your utmost sincerity will be appreciated as there is no right or wrong answers. You are free to choose any alternative(s) that best suit your feelings. In order to keep your response strictly confidential, you are not required to provide your name. I am grateful for your prompt response. I also thank you for your cooperation.


Gender 性别:        
Male 男
Female 女
Age: 年龄
Below 21 低于21岁
51 and above 51岁及以上
Educational level: 教育水平
Middle school graduate 初中
High school graduate 高中
University graduate 本科及以上
Number of employees in the workplace or office. 所在单位员工人数
1 to 9 1-9人
10 to 49 10-49人
50 to 99 50-99人
100 and above 100人及以上
Please Tick (x) as appropriate using these Scales :  1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Always.
1 2 3 4 5
1. I put on the air-condition whenever in the office/room/class当我在工作室/宿舍/教室时我都会开空调
2. I wear less/ more clothes instead of putting heater/air-conditions on.我穿更多/更少的衣服,而不是开取暖器/空调
3. I make sure that air-condition is off or reduced when I work outside the room.外出工作室我会将空调关闭
4. I print double-sided我双面打印
5. I copy double-sided 我双面复印
6. I print every day 我每天打印
7. I print with wasted paper that is no longer needed 我用不再需要的废纸打印
8. I try to contain more contents on one sheet (e.g. by using narrow margins or printing two pages on one A4 sheet).我尽量在一张纸放更多的打印内容(如:使用更窄的行距或在一张A4纸上打印两页内容)
9. I use non-disposable cups for drinking coffee/tea.我用非一次性杯来喝咖啡\茶
10. I wash cups in a sustainable way (e.g. use cold water rather than running water).我用正确的方法清洗杯子(如:用冷水洗,不用热水器流动的热水冲)
11. I take a new plastic/carton cup each time I have coffee or tea.我每次喝咖啡都用塑料\纸的一次性杯子
12. I eat or order food always in plastic bowls. 我常常买\吃用塑料碗装着的食物
13. I buy a shopping bag/get a free shopping bag when shopping.我购物时会购买袋子\获得一个免费的购物袋
To what extent do the following statements suit you? (SUSTAINABLE SHOPPING)    ----1 (Never) 2-(Rarely) 3-(Sometimes) 4-(Often) 5-( Always) 
1 2 3 4 5
1. I prefer to buy green products and check if it will harm the environment. 我更喜欢购买绿色商品并检查它是否会污染环境
2. When I purchase goods or services, I pay attention to the effect on environment.当消费商品或服务时,我会关注对环境的影响
3. I switch off my computer/notebook when I leave my office for a long time.当我长时间离开工作室时我会将电脑\笔记本关闭
4. I switch off my computer/notebook when I go home.当我回家时我会将电脑\笔记本关闭
5. I switch on lights when I come to the office/Shop in the morning and leave them on. 当我早上到达工作室/商店时我会开灯并让它一直开着
6. My computer is always on throughout my working hours. 在工作时间内我得电脑会一直开着
To what extent do you recycle the following products? (RECYCLING))    ----1 (Never) 2-(Rarely) 3-(Sometimes) 4- (Often) 5-( Always)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Clothes. 衣物
2. Plastic bottle and empty cans. 塑料瓶和空易拉罐
3. Paper. 纸
4. I separate waste into recycle and non-recycle bags. 我会将可回收和不可回收的垃圾分开放
Please tick (√) as appropriate, the extent to which you agree with the questions below. 请根据符合您自己实际情况的程度进行选择。
Note: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree 
1 2 3 4 5
1. Im in favor of behaving pro-environmentally .我乐意实践亲环境行为
2. I think the pro-environmental behavior is good.我认为实践亲环境行为是好的
3. I was briefed of pro-environmental behavior .我曾了解过过亲环境行为的简介
4. I think too much attention is paid to the pro-environmental behavior in the workplace我认为在单位里,亲环境行为被过度关注了
5. I think the attitude to environmental behavior is not good.我认为人们对环境行为的态度比较低
Please tick (√)as appropriate, the extent to which you agree with the questions below.----1 (Never) 2-(Rarely) 3-(Sometimes) 4-(Often) 5-( Always) 
请根据符合您自己实际情况的程度进行选择。 1=从不,2=较少,3=有时,4=常常,5=总是
1 2 3 4 5
1. I want to be informed about environmental impacts of my behavior. 我希望被告知我个人行为对环境的影响情况
2. I want to be informed about environmental initiative.我希望被告知环境计划
3. I want to be informed about the costs and amount of the energy/water/paper used by my department/science group.我希望被告知我所在的部门或团队对能源\水\纸的使用量或花费的金额
4. I am going to behave pro-environmentally in coming months to reduce my impact on environment (e.g. by turning off the computer, printing less, using non-disposable cups etc.) 我将在未来的几个月中实践亲环境行为来降低对环境的影响(如:关闭电脑,减少打印量,使用非一次性杯子等等)
5. I am going to recommend environmental friendly behaviors to my colleagues. 我将向我的同事好友们推荐环境友好行为
6. Environmental pollution affects my health. 环境污染影响我的健康
7. I often walk within the workplace/company rather than taking a car/cab/bike.在单位/公司时我常常会步行来替代开轿车\乘坐出租车\骑摩托车
8. I commute daily to the workplace/office/shop by riding a bicycle/e-bike. 我去单位/办公室/商店时选择骑自行车\电动车
9. I use the public transport like buses and cabs. 我乘坐公共交通如公交车或出租车
10. Environmental problems have a bad influence on my life. 环境问题会给我的生活带来不良影响
11. I am unaware of the effect of my behavior on the environment. 我不知道自己的行为可能给环境带来何种影响
12. Environmental problems are a risk for the future of my children. 环境问题对未来我的下一代存在威胁
13. I use my phone every day and switch off my phones when I want to sleep. 我每天使用手机并会在睡觉时将它关闭
14. Whether to perform pro-environmentally is entirely up to me.是否去执行亲环境行为完全取决于我
15. My behavior is controlled by the workplace/shop /school我的亲环境行为会受单位/商店/学校控制
16. My behavior affects the environment.我得行为会影响环境
17. If I want, I would like to easily behave pro-environmentally in the workplace/school.只要我愿意,我就可以在单位/学校里践行亲环境理念
SITUATIONAL FACTORS 1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Always.
1 2 3 4 5
1. My workplace provides possibilities for me to show the pro-environmental behavior.工作场所为我实践亲环境行为提供了可能性
2. Current facilities for recycling are inadequate. 当前对循环再利用的设施设置得不够完善
3. It is practicable to behave in environmental friendly way. 环境友好行为是容易实践的
Please tick (√) as appropriate:  1 = Absolutely not, 2 =Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Absolutely. 请根据符合您自己实际情况的程度进行选择。1 = 完全不同意, 2 =不同意, 3 = 中立, 4 =同意, 5 = 完全同意
SOCIAL NORMS: What in your opinion should your colleagues do in the workplace/school? 社会规范: 你认为你的同事/同学们应该在单位/学校中如何做?
1 2 3 4 5
1. Print double-sided? 双面打印
2. Copy double-sided? 双面复印
3. Recycle paper? 循环使用纸张
4. Turn off the computer/notebook when not in use? 不使用时关闭电脑\笔记本
Pro-environmental behavior is something………… (Please tick) Note: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree 
亲环境行为是这样一种行为……(请选择)1 = 完全不同意, 2 =不同意, 3 = 中立, 4 =同意, 5 = 完全同意
1 2 3 4 5
1. …………I do frequently ……我常常做
2. ………..I do naturally ……我很自然的去做
3. …I do without having to consciously remember …我不需要可以去记得就可以做
4. ………..that makes me feel weird if I do it ……如果我做了会使我看起来很奇怪
5. ………..I do without thinking ……我完全不用思考就会去做
6. ----would feel uncomfortable if I do not do so. ……不这样做是不容易的
7. ----------that belongs to my (daily, weekly, monthly)routine.……属于我的(每天\每周\每月)的日常生活
8. …I start doing before I realize I'm doing it..…在我意识到之前我就已经这么做了
9. ……I would find it hard not to do so.……不做这件事对我来说是不容易的
10. I don't need to think about things like so.…我不需要去思考是否需要做这件事
11. … that's typically 'me'.……这是我得典型特点
12.… I have been doing for a long time. ……我已经这样做很久了

12题 | 被引用1次
