分级制度是否适用于中国国情? Does the classifying system meet the needs of the Chinese national condition?

Introduction: The classifyingsystem on movie or other media may allow people of distinguished ages to enjoymedia corresponded to their cognitive responsibilities, which is not yetappeared in China.
 Please identify your age group:
above 50 50以上
Which of the following positions are you in?
students 学生
state officials,chairperson in an cooperation 国家机关、党群组织、企业、事业单位负责人
professionals 专业技术人员
staff 办事人员和有关人员
merchants, service personnel 商业、服务业人员
personnel in farming, fishing 农、林、牧、渔、水利业生产人员
personnel in producing, shipping and operating facilities生产、运输设备操作人员及有关人员
others 其它
In what scale are you aware of the classifying system?  您对分级制度的了解程度为
unaware-know it pretty well 不了解-十分了解 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In your opinion, is the classifying system proper to be appliedto the Chinese market?您认为分级制度是否适用于中国国情?
Yes 是
No 否
In which of the following field do you think the classifying system should be established? 如果实行分级制度,您希望在以下哪些领域的分级?
movie & the TV show industries 电影、电视剧行业
journals, magazines and books 报刊、书籍、纸类读物
CDs & DVDs 光碟
broadcasts 广播
prerecorded programmes & live 电视录制节目、直播
the Internet and videos or live programmes online 网页、网站、网络视频与网上直播
games 游戏
others 其它
In what reasons do you think that there shouldn’t be ant classifying systems?  为什么您认为不需要分级制度?
The movies should be noexception for banning porn in China. 中国不存在任何合法消费色情内容的场所,电影没理由成为例外。
With respect to the traditions and ideology ofpolitics 考虑到中国传统与政治的意识形态。
Others 其他
Do you think that the restricted media in China now is harmful to the growth of juveniles? 您认为中国当前限制的媒体资源对未成年人身心发展有影响吗?
No influence-Great influence 没有影响-影响很大 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Do you think if there exist some plots in cinema that are improper for teenagers? 您觉得目前影院所放映的电影中是否有不合适未成年人观看的内容?
Totally not 完全没有
A little in every movies 每部都有一点
A lot of 有很多
Never think about it 没有想过
Do you think some deleted plots will affect the understanding of the movie? 您觉得中国对某些电影的删减会影响您对电影的理解吗?
Yes,some important information will lost. 是的,会丢失某些重要信息
No,we only need to know the main idea. 不是,大致情节知道就可以了
Doesnt matter. 无所谓
What impacts do you think the classifying system would bring to the entertaining industry? 您认为分级制度会给中国的娱乐产业带来好处还是坏处?
It will make it more open and diversified and attracts the investments. 这会使其更开放和多元,吸引更多投资。
It will bring chaos in people’s cognitive abilities. 这会对公众的认知能力造成影响。
others 其它
Is there anything that should be totally banned? 是否有内容应被彻底禁止?
Yes 是的
No 不是
To be determained 有待商榷
What is the major conflict do you think between the approval and disapproval in the classifying system? 您认为赞同与反对分级制度的主要矛盾在哪里?
Do you support the idea that it would bring uncertainties to the society if the regulation is opened? And why? 有人说开放在国外被定义为限制级的内容会在一定程度上增加社会上的不稳定性因素,您同意这种看法吗? 为什么?
Yes 是的
No 不是

13题 | 被引用1次
