2017阿法拉伐中国酒店问卷调查/2017 Alfa Laval China hotel project survey


Thanks for joining the survey


本次调研目的/Purpose of the survey::


1. 更加了解员工需求。/ Know traveler's needs well.

2. 更有针对性的对供应商进行改进措施。/ Discuss with HRS improvement focus on your needs.

3. 更加有效的对协议酒店进行统一收集与管理。/ Alfa Laval corporate hotels consolidation and mangement.



We need your support and feedbacks!

第一部分:HRS服务满意度调查/ Section 1: HRS service saitisfaction

Are you satisfied with offline service from HRS (Hotline service and Email service)? 您对HRS的线下服务(客服电话和邮件服务)是否满意?
Satisfied / 满意
General / 一般
Not Satisfied / 不满意
The reason of not satisfied with offline service /不满意线下预定的原因:
Not efficient reply / 回复不及时
The recommended hotel can not fulfill my travel demand / 推荐酒店无法满足差旅需求
Agent service capability / 客服业务能力
Other / 其他
Please enter your other details reason/ 请注明其他原因的详细情况
Are you satisfied with HRS hotel online booking website? 您是否满意HRS酒店在线预定平台?
Satisfied / 满意
General / 一般
Not Satisfied / 不满意
The reason of not satisfied with online booking website / 不满意在线预订网站的具体原因:
Hotel Coverage / 酒店资源覆盖率
Low speed of website / 网站响应速度慢
Hotel searching model / 酒店搜索方式不好用
Others / 其他
Please enter your other details reason / 请注明其他原因的详细情况

第二部分:基本信息/ Section 2: Basic Information

Are you? / 请问您是?
traveler who arranges my own hotel accommodation / 经常出差,并自己预订酒店
traveler only, my travel is arranged by a travel arranger / 经常出差,但从不自己预订酒店
travel arranger (I dont travel myself) / 经常协助同事预订酒店,但是自己不出差
Approximately how many times do you book hotel every year? / 您大约一年需要预订酒店的次数?
0 trips / 0次
1 - 20 trips / 1-20次
21 - 50 trips / 21-50次
51 - 100 trips / 51-100次
100 trips / 多于100次
When you are selecting hotels, what are the main factor(s) you care? / 您在选择酒店时最关注以下那些因素?(可多选)
Price / 价格
Location / 地理位置
Comfort / 舒适度
Hygiene / 卫生状况
Safety / 安全
Service of hotel professionals / 酒店服务专业程度
Up to now, can your corporate hotels satisfy your business travel needs? / 截至目前,公司协议酒店是否可以满足您的差旅需求?
Yes / 是
No (please specify) / 否(请注明原因)
Reason of Q12  / Q12中的原因

第三部分:需求收集/ Section 3: Requirement collection

Please list your most frequent business travel destinations and yearly room nights potential. (optional). / 请列出您经常出差前往的目的地以及相应的预计全年间夜数。(非必填)
City Destination / 城市或目的地(城市,县,地区等。如:上海市长宁区) Yearly room nights estimation/ 全年预计间夜数
1 ____________ ____________
2 ____________ ____________
3 ____________ ____________

Please fill out if you have prefered hotel (optional).

如果您有指定的酒店需求请填写信息。 (非必填)

城市City 酒店名称Hotel name(请尽量填写全称) 预计全年间夜量Yearly room nights estimation 其他备注(如有指定联系人或价格记录)Others (Contact person/history price etc.)
1 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
2 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
3 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
Please enter company email address. 请输入您的公司邮箱地址。

17题 | 被引用0次
