关于博物馆的调查Museum Survey

只需要2分钟, 感谢您能抽出几分钟时间来参加本次答题. Will only take you 2 minutes, thank you for spending time to answer this questionnaire, lets start now!
性别 sex
男 male
女 female
年纪 age

听说过 沈阳故宫和沈阳“9.18”博物馆吗?have heard of  Shenyang forbidden city and/or "9.18" museum?

只听说过沈阳故宫 only heard of shenyang forbidden city
只听说过沈阳“9.18”博物馆 only heard of shenyang 9.18 museum
都听说过 heard of both
都没有听说过 never heard of any of them

参观过 沈阳故宫和沈阳“9.18”博物馆吗?have visited shenyang forbidden city and/or "9.18" museum?

只参观过沈阳故宫 only visited shenyang forbidden city
只参观过沈阳“9.18”博物馆 only visited shenyang 9.18 museum
都参观过 visited both
都没有参观过 not visited any of them
你是否知道这些景点的历史价值?do you know the historical value of these sites?
是 Yes
否 No
你是否想参观这些地方?Are you interested i visiting these places? 
只想参观沈阳故宫 Just want to visit Shenyang forbidden city
都想参观 want to visit both
都不想参观 want to visit none of them
选择一个周末,你愿意去什么地方?which places are you willing to visit on weekends?
俱乐部 club
山景区 Mountains
博物馆 museum
名胜古迹 Historical sites
你认为博物馆的是什么样的地方?what kind of place do you think the museum is for?
休闲的 recreation place
乏味的 unattractive
访问的 visiting place
你参观博物馆的次数? how often do you visit the museum?
经常 often
不经常 not often
从来不参观 Never visit

9题 | 被引用0次
