
你的职业是?Your occupation?
学生 Student
工作者 Worker
你来西安的主要目的是?You came to Xi’an
工作 To work
学习 To study
旅游 To travel
其他 For something else
你认为学习汉语对你的帮助大吗?Do you think learning Chinese benefits your life in China?
很有帮助 Very helpful
有一点帮助 A little bit Helpful
没有帮助 Unhelpful at all
你目前的汉语水平是?What do you think of your Chinese?
一点都不会 Knowing nothing
能基本对话(打招呼、买东西、出行) Be able to handle the basic communication
能顺利阅读中文书籍、新闻 Be able to read Chinese book/news smoothly
很熟练 Be proficient in it
你觉得学习汉语最难的是?What do you think of the hardest part in Chinese learning.
发音 Pronunciation
汉字 Chinese character
对话/交流 Dialogue/Communication
你对中国感兴趣的事情是What Chinese stuff attract you a lot? (Multiple choices)
美食 Chinese food
景点 Scenic spots
文化习俗 Culture
当代思想 Contemporary thoughts
历史 History
其他 Something else
你学习中文的途径是?In what way(s) do you learn Chinese?(Multiple choices)
学校 University
培训机构 Training school
自己联系中国朋友 Chinese friends
网上学习 Learn on the Internet
是否有过和中国学生交流学习的经历?Have you been talking and learning with Chinese student?
是 Yes
否 No
如果有一个平台可以与中国学生交流学习,你是否愿意参加?If there is a chance for you to learn Chinese with Chinese students, would you like to seize it?
是 Yes
否 No
你是否愿意把这个学习交流平台介绍给别人?And would you like to share the chance to others?
是 Yes
否 No
你更愿意哪一种通过哪种方式学汉语?In which way do you prefer to learn Chinese?
线上 Online
线下 Offline
你希望线下活动(如:汉语角)多久举办一次?How often do you think is proper for for the offline activities, Chinese corner, for instance?
一周一次 Once a week
一月两次 Twice a month
一月一次 Once a month
两月一次 Once every two month
一个季度一次 Once per season
你是否愿意在平台上分享自己的学习过程?Would you like to share what you have learned and How did you learn in a channel like Youtube?
是 Yes
否 No

13题 | 被引用4次
