测试你的身体体质Ayurveda Dosha

测试你的身体体质Ayurveda Dosha在回答这些问题时,你需要尽可能回忆你所能想起的青年或成年早期,你需要确认这些你与生俱来的特征,这将有助于识别你的体质,一般每个类别选择一个(尽管在一些类别可能有不止一个)When ansawering these questions, go as far back as you can remember, to your youth and early  adult years. Your want to identify characteristics that you were born with. This will help in identifying your constitution. Generally pick one per category (though in some there may be more than  one)
精神活动Mental Activity
Vata--Quick,active, restless 敏捷,活跃,焦躁不安
Pitta--Sharp, critical, aggressive 犀利,爱挑剔,有进取心
Kapha--Calm, steady, slow, stable 冷静,稳定,迟缓,坚定
Ability to learn 学习力
Vata--Quick to grasp concepts迅速理解概念
Pitta--Moderate ability to grasp new information正常的接受新信息的能力
Kapha--Slow to grasp new information缓慢的接受新信息的能力
Vata--Light, interrupted浅眠,易醒
Pitta--Sound, medium良好,中等
Kapha--Sound, heavy, long良好,沉睡,长时间
Hunger level 饥饿情况
Pitta--Sharp, can be strong急剧,可以很强烈
Kapha--Can easily miss meals可以很容易不吃饭
Food/Drink 食物/饮料
Vata--Prefers warm喜爱热的
Pitta--Prefers cold喜爱冷的
Kapha--Prefers dry and warm喜爱干和热的
Reaction to stress 对压力的反应
Vata--Excites quickly容易激动
Kapha--Slow to get excited不容易激动
Moods 情绪
Vata--Changes quickly转换较快
Pitta--Changes slowly转换较慢
Kapha--Steady, unchanging稳定,不变
When threatened tends to 当感觉受威胁时会
Kapha--Make peace和平解决
Confidence level 自信等级
Pitta--Outwardly self confident表面的自信
Kapha--Inner confidence内在的自信
Hair type 头发类型
Vata--Dry, frizzy,thin, dark干,卷曲的,细,深色
Pitta--Straight, fine,premature graying直,健康,过早灰发
Kapha--Oily, wavy, thick油,波浪,粗
Skin 皮肤
Vata--Dry, rough or both, dark/sallow, tans easily, cold 干,粗燥,深色/蜡黄,容易晒黑,冰冷
Pitta--Soft, normal to oily, light, sunburns easily, warm 柔软,正常或油性,浅色的,容易晒伤,温暖
Kapha--Oily, moist, fair, thic, cool 油性,湿润,白皙,薄,冰冷
Elimination 排泄
Vata--Dry, hard, thin, easily constipated 干,艰难,薄,容易便秘z
Pitta--Many during day, soft to normal 一天2次以上,软和正常
Kapha--Heavy, slow, thick, regular 重,慢,厚重,有规律

12题 | 被引用5次
