
2018中国开源年会-COSCon'18 将于10月20-21日在深圳科兴科学园国际会议中心举办,感谢许多社区伙伴、企业伙伴和志愿者携手促使这样规模的 COSCon 诞生。


一如往常,COSCon 征求各式各样与自由/开源软件相关的演讲,欢迎各方大神于 8 月 31 日前透过讲师征集令投稿,在经过社区审稿后,预定于 10 月上旬公布完整的议程。这是一个倡导开放的研讨会,所有演讲将录影并以 CC BY-SA 4.0(知识共享协议,署名 - 相同方式共享 4.0 国际)分享给所有观众 。





- 投稿期限: 8 月 31 日(周五)

- 完整议程预定公布时间: 10 月上旬

- COSCon'18: 10 月 20 - 21 日(会前晚宴在 19 日晚间)。 




2018 China Open Source Conference-COSCon'18 will be held on Oct. 20-21 in Kexing Science Park Convention Center, Shenzhen, China. Thanks to all the community partners, enterprise partners and volunteers to make it happen. We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before August 31th, 2018. 


After the review process from the coordinators, we will publish the full programme in early October. All the talks will possibly be recorded and the video clips will be released under CC:BY-SA 4.0. If you have something in your talk that cannot be recorded or released under CC, please do leave a note in your proposal. 


Important dates:

- Submission deadline: August 31th, 2018

- Full programme & agenda published: Early October

- COSCon'18: Oct. 20-21 (with welcome party at Oct. 19th night).


Submit your proposal here!   


*必填 / *Must Fill In


您想以何种形式提交本次大会话题? *

Choose a track to submit your proposal: *

主题演讲 (仅限大会组委会填写), 20-30 分钟Keynote (To be filled by the COSCon Steering Committee ONLY!), 20-30 min.
分会场 (含技术讲座、社区发展讲座、开源治理论坛、开源硬件论坛、开源教育论坛), 30-45 分钟Breakout (Technical Sharing, Community Development, OSS Governance, OSS Hardware, OSS Education...), 30-45 min.
动手训练营或开源硬件工作坊, 1-3 小时Hands-on Camp or OSS Hardware Workshop, 1-3 hour
闪电演讲 (10 分钟)Lightning Talk (10 min.)

您想提交哪一类话题? *

Which type of topic you'd like to submit?  *

世界顶级社区如何运作? How the World Leading Community Operates?
本土原生项目如何立足中国、贡献全球 China Community, Global Contribution
本土技术社区如何运作? How the Domestic Technical Community Operates?
激励贡献、健全生态 (区块链相关) ​Motivating Contribution, Cultivating Ecosystem (Blockchain-related)
开源教育与高校论坛 OSS in Higher Educaiton Forum
开源治理论坛 ​OSS Governance Forum
开源硬件论坛 Open Source Hardware Forum
技术话题 (含动手训练营) ​Technology Topic

如果您提交的是技术话题,属于哪一类? *

​If submitting a technology subject, which type? *

云计算 Cloud Computing
大数据 Big Data
容器技术 Container Technology
区块链 Blockchain
人工智能 (机器学习, 深度学习等) ​AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, etc.)
微服务 Micro Service
前端开发 ​Front-end Development
物联网 (IoT) Internet of Things
消息中间件 Messaging Middleware
虚拟/增强现实 Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
开源通用应用 Horizontal OSS Application
开源硬件 Open Source Hardware
其他:请说明 Others: Please specifiy

演讲题目:100字以内 *

​Topic of the Session : in 100 words *


内容摘要:1000字以内 *

Abstract: in 1000 words *


演讲语言 *

​Language *


目标听众群 *

例如, "Ruby on Rails 开发者" 或 "有自动化经验的 DevOps 工程师"

Target Audience *

Say, "Ruby on Rails developers" or "DevOps engineer with experience on automation"


內容難易度 *

Difficulty *

入門 / Beginner
中阶 / Skilled
进阶 / Advanced

姓名 *

​Name *


照片 (限<2M的头像) *

​Photo (<2M) *


单位名称 (组织、公司、高校、协会等) *

​Organization Name ( Institute、 Company、Association, etc.)  *


职称 *

​Job Title *


所属社区或基金会名 称及职务 * (如果没有,请填写“无”)

Community or Foundation Name and Your Role * (If not applicable, please fill in N/A)


演讲者简介 (如有与开源项目/社区之贡献相关者,欢迎描述):1000字以内 *

​Speaker Bio (Any OSS project or community related is highly welcome): in 1000 words *


GitHub 账号 (如果没有,可跳过不填)

GitHub ID (If not applicable, please skip)


微信号  *

WeChat, Facebook or Twitter account *


手机号 *

​Mobile Phone Number *


邮箱 *

​Email *


您所在城市 *

​Which City Do You Come From? *


T恤大小 *

​T-Shirt *


饮食偏好 *

Food Preference *

荤食 / Non-vegetarian
素食 / Vegetarian
其他 Other

其他备注 / Other notes


审核状态 (本题隐藏,仅限组委会审核人员可见)

Approval Status (Hidden, only COSCon'18 Steering Committee can access)


关于你提交的数据 About Your Data


一旦您提交投稿,COSCon 会将资料(包含您的联络信息)送交负责该议题审议的组委会成员。他们可能会与您联系讨论更多关于此投稿的相关事宜,而大会也将以此资料作为与您的联系之用。所有资料都仅有少数相关人士可以取得,且仅用在 COSCon 相关事务上。


COSCon will send your proposal, include the contact information you provide, to the coordinators of the track you submitted the proposal. They might use these information to contact you for further information, and COSCon will use the information to contact you once the full programme published. The personal information will only be accessible by selected coordinators, and only be used in COSCon-related situation.

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