(中国)调查新中两国人工智能行业的发展前景Investigating the prospect of both China and Singapores Artificial Intelligence industry.


Dear respondents, I am a student from River Valley High School in Singapore and I am currently writing a thesis paper on Artificial Intelligence. All survey responses will remain anonymous and your truthful responses to the following questions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
一、基本资料 Basic information
您的所在国 Your country
中国 China
新加坡 Singapore
您的性别 Your gender
男 Male
女 Female
您的年龄 Your age
您的学历 Your education level
中学 Secondary
大学 University
其他 Others
您的学校 Your school
二、对人工智能的理解程度 Understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

人工智能 是计算机科学的一个分支,该领域的研究包括机器人、语言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和专家系统等。日常生活中的例子有语音助手、淘宝拍照识别功能、无人驾驶汽车等等。

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasises the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some examples of AI are search engines, voice assistants and self-driving vehicles.

根据以上定义,你是否听说过AI?According to the definition above, have you ever heard of AI?
是 Yes
否 No
请回答以下问题 Please answer the following questions
知道 Yes 不知道 No
您知不知道搜索引擎运用了AI的技术?Do you know that AI is being utilised in search engines?
您知不知道语音助手运用了AI的技术?Do you know that AI is being utilised in voice assistants like Siri?
您知不知道无人驾驶汽车运用了AI的技术?Do you know that AI is being utilised in self-driving vehicles?
请自我评估您对AI的了解程度 Please self-evaluate your understanding of AI
非常了解 Very good
相对了解 Adequate
不怎么了解 Inadequate
非常不了解 Very poor
三、日常生活中的人工智能 Artificial Intelligence in daily life
您在日常生活中接触或使用过以下哪些AI?(可多选)What are the following examples of AI that you have used in your daily life? (Tick more than one)
语音助手 Voice Assistant(如Siri、Alexa等)
图像、人脸识别 Image/Face Recognition(如支付宝人脸登录、淘宝拍照识别功能等)
智能家居 Smart Home(自动化家电)
智能驾驶 Self-driving Vehicles(无人驾驶汽车)
机器人 Robots (如儿童陪伴、家庭管教和陪护机器人等)
搜索引擎 Search Engines (Google、百度)
多语言翻译 Translations (Google Translate)
智能医疗设备 Smart Medical Devices
其他 Others
您认为人工智能在您的国家有多普及?Do you think AI is prevalent in your 
非常普及 Very prevalent
相对普及 Quite prevalent
不怎么普及 Not very prevalent
非常不普及 Not prevalent at all
四、人工智能技术的掌握 Acquisition of skills for Artificial Intelligence
您是否掌握AI相关的技术?(比如:编程)Have you acquired AI related skills? (For example, programming)
是 Yes
否 No
请问您学过以下哪些编程语言?What is/are the programming language(s) that you have learnt?
其他 Others
您是通过什么渠道来掌握的?How did you acquire your AI related skills?
学校增设的课程 Lessons/courses provided by my school
自学 Learn by myself
其他 Others
您的学校提供哪些AI/编程相关课程?What kind of AI/programming related lessons/courses does your school provide?
五、进入人工智能相关行业的意愿 Willingness to pursue a career in the field of Artificial Intelligence
您认为学校增设的AI技术课程在多大程度上激发您在将来从事AI相关工作的意愿?To what extent did the AI related courses provided by your school inspire you to pursue a career in the field of AI in the near future?
完全激发 Fully inspire
相对激发 Somewhat inspire
不怎么激发 Did not really inspire
完全不激发 Did not inspire at all
您多大程度上愿意在将来从事AI相关工作?How willing are you to pursue a career in the field of AI in the near future?
非常愿意 Very willing
相对愿意 Somewhat willing
不怎么愿意 Not very willing
非常不愿意 Not willing at all
请问为什么?Why are you willing to pursue a career in the field of AI in the near future? 
本身对AI感兴趣 Interested in AI
本身掌握了AI相关的技术 Acquired the necessary skills to pursue a career in the field of AI
预计AI行业的发展前景乐观,因此将来从事人工智能相关的工作可以赚很多钱 Foresees that the AI industry will be quite promising in the near future, therefore pursuing a career in the field of AI can earn a lot of money
其他 Others
请问为什么?Why are you not willing to pursue a career in the field of AI in the near future?
本身对AI不感兴趣 Not interested in AI
本身缺乏AI相关技术的掌握 Lack the necessary skills to pursue a career in the field of AI
预计AI行业的发展前景不怎么乐观,因此将来从事人工智能相关的工作不会赚很多钱Do not foresee that the AI industry will be promising in the near future, therefore pursuing a career in the field of AI will not earn a lot of money
其他 Others
六、人工智能的未来发展  Future development of Artificial Intelligence 

就您的国家而言,您认为 现在 以下哪三个是AI最多被运用的领域?In your country's context, what do you think are the top 3 fields of application for AI  now

交通 Transport
教育 Education
金融 Finance
医疗 Medicine
电商零售 E-commerce
安防 Security
制造业 Manufacturing

就您的国家而言,您认为 未来 以下哪三个会是AI最多被运用的领域?In your country's context, what do you think will be the top 3 fields of application for AI in the future

交通 Transport
教育 Education
金融 Finance
医疗 Medicine
电商零售 E-commerce
安防 Security
城市管理 City Management
制造业 Manufacturing
您的考量因素有以下哪三个? What are your three main considering factors?
国家的发展方向 Countrys direction of development
国家的竞争优势 Countrys competitive advantage
国家的经济状况 Countrys economic situation
国家的需求 Countrys needs
国家面临的社会问题 Countys societal problems
全球面临的挑战 Global challenges
全球的发展趋势 Global development trend
其他 Others
整体来说,您在多大程度上认为本国AI行业的发展前景乐观?Overall, to what extent do you think that the AI Industry in your country is promising?
1(非常不乐观 Not promising at all)
10(非常乐观 Very promising)
根据以上问题的答案,您的考量因素有以下哪三个?What are your three main considering factors when answering the previous question?
普及率 Rate of penetration
适用领域 Fields of application
人才储备 Talent pool
政府的努力 Governments efforts
数据库 Database
科研成果 Research achievements
其他 Others
七、建议 Suggestions
您认为以下哪个建议最能够有效地推动国家AI的发展?What do you think is the most effective way to drive the development of AI Industry in your country?
通过教育来培养本土的AI人才(比如:学校增设人工智能技术相关课程、举办人工智能竞赛等) Develop local AI talents through education (For example, set up lessons to teach AI skills, organise competitions etc)
通过制定吸引AI人才的政策,壮大国家的AI人才储备 Implement policies to attract AI talents, expanding talent pool
对AI的研究和项目投入资金,鼓励创新 Invest in AI research and projects to encourage innovations
通过政策来推动更多企业运用人工智能 Implement policies to encourage more enterprises to utilise and integrate AI technology into their operations
优化AI的发展环境,完善基础设施建设 Optimise AIs development environment and improve basic infrastructure
其他 Others

32题 | 被引用7次
