麦当劳的客户满意度调查(McDonalds Customer Satisfaction Survey)

大家好,我是首都师范大学国际商务管理专业的大三的一名学生,我们正在进行一项调研,需要您的合作来回答本问卷本研究。我们需要完成我们的课程研究,这是关于麦当劳在中国的客户满意度。您的信息将被严格保密,用于统计分析和学术用途使用,并给麦当劳提供一些建议,您的帮助对这项研究非常重要。非常感谢您的帮助。(Hello, I am a student in the International Business Management Department of Capital Normal University. We are conducting a survey and need your cooperation to answer this questionnaire. We need complete our course study, which is about McDonald's customer satisfaction in China. Your information will be kept strictly confidential for statistical analysis and academic use, and will provide McDonald's some advice. Your help is very important for this research. Thank you for your help.)

您的性别是什么?(What is your gender?)
您的年龄是多少?(What is your age?)
15岁以下(Under 15 years old)
15-25岁(15-25 years old)
25-35岁(25-35 years old)
35-45岁(35-45 years old)
45-55岁(45-55 years old)
超过55岁( Over 55 years old)
您在麦当劳的消费频率是多久一次?(how often do you spend in McDonald's?)
一周两到三次(Two to three times a week)
一周一次(once a week)
一个月两次(twice a month)
一个月一次(Once a month)
您在麦当劳的消费一般为每次多少钱?(How much is your spending at McDonald's one time?)
50元以下(Less than 50 yuan)
51-100元(51-100 yuan)
101-150元(101-150 yuan)
150元以上( More than 150 yuan)
您会因为麦当劳的广告选择消费吗?(Will you choose to spend at McDonald’s because of  advertising?)
不会(will not)
二者没有必要联系(There is no need to contact the two)
您是否喜欢麦当劳?(Do you like McDonald's?)
麦当劳什么吸引您?(What does McDonald's appeal to you?)
提供食物速度快(Providing food quickly)
食物味道好(The food is delicious)
食物分量大(A large quantity of food)
产品种类多(More product types)
产品质量可靠(Reliable product quality)
就餐环境干净(Clean dining environment)
您认为麦当劳哪些地方需要改进?(What do you think McDonald's needs to change?)
食物价格(Food price)
食物种类(Food type)
服务质量(Quality of service)
您对麦当劳的促销手段有何感觉?(How do you feel about McDonald's promotion?)
比较新鲜,令人产生好奇(Fresher and curious)
很土,令人厌烦(Very earthy, annoying)
可以理解的商业化(Understandable commercialization)
没什么感觉(No feeling)
您喜欢以什么购买方式在麦当劳消费?(What kind of purchase do you like to spend at McDonald's?)
单买(Single buy)
您去麦当劳的理由?(The reason why you go to McDonald's?)
您还有其他对麦当劳的期望和更好的提升您的体验的建议吗?(do You have other suggestions for McDonald's and a better way to improve your experience》)

12题 | 被引用5次
