Survey-Dyson Electric Automobile 戴森电动汽车市场调研


Gender 性别 *

Female 女
Male 男
Prefer not to say 不方便回答

Age 年龄 *


Does your family have a car? Is it a conventional car or an electric one? 您当前拥有汽车吗?如有,是传统汽车还是电动汽车? *

Yes, my family has a conventional car 是,我家里有一辆传统汽车
Yes, my family has an electric car 是,我家里有一辆电动汽车
No, my family doesnt a car 不,我们家没有汽车
Prefer not to say 不方便回答

If sell at the same price, which car will you choose to purchase? 在同样价格的情况下,您更倾向于哪种选择? *

A conventional car 传统汽车
An automobile car 电动汽车
Both 均可
Neither 不选

What pictures will come to your mind immediately when hearing the brand 'Dyson' ? (you can describe in single words) 您对戴森这个品牌的第一印象是什么?(您可用简单词汇描述:如吹风机,吸尘器) *


Dyson electric automobile - Concept Graph 戴森电动汽车概念图

Would you have any interest to learn about Dyson's entry into the electric automobile field? 当戴森推出电动汽车时,您会有兴趣了解吗? *

Yes 会
No 不会
Maybe 有可能

At what price level would you accept to buy a Dyson electric automobile? 您可接受戴森电动汽车的销售价位? *

less than 50k dollar (少于25w rmb)
50k dollar to 75k dollar (25w 至 37w rmb)
75k dollar to 100k dollar (37w 至 50w rmb)
more than 100k dollar (多于 50w rmb)

If Dyson's new electric automobile is launched at the same price as Tesla's competing product, which one would you prefer? 如果戴森和特斯拉处于同等价位,您更倾向于选择哪个? *

Dyson 戴森
Tesla 特斯拉
Either is fine 都可以
Neither of them 都不

Are there any functions or features you want an electric automobile to possess and why? 您希望电动汽车在现有基础上还需要具备哪些功能或特性?为什么? *


10题 | 被引用0次
