广东“艇仔粥”问卷调查(Guangdong Boat Congee questionnaire survey)

Survey description: in order to investigate foreign friends' understanding and recognition of "Boat Congee" with guangdong characteristics, this questionnaire is issued, hoping foreign friends can help answer the following questions.Please try to answer in English or Chinese.

Boat Congee ingredients: shrimp, egg silk, fillet, jellyfish.Spring onion, peanut kernel, floating skin, Fried dough chips

 你的国籍是?What’s your nationarity?
您的性别是? What is your gender?
男 man
女 woman
您的年龄是?What's your age?
20岁以下 Under the age of 20
20~35岁 20 to 35 years old
36~50岁 36 to 50 years old
51~65岁 51 to 65 years old
65岁以上 More than 65 years old
 您来广州多久了?How long have you been in Guangzhou?
1年或以下 1 year or less
1~3年 1 ~ 3 years
3~5年 3 ~ 5 years
5年以上 More than 5 years
 喜欢中国的美食吗?Do you like Chinese food?
很喜欢 like very much
喜欢 like
一般喜欢 just so-so
一般喜欢 just so-so
不习惯 it is not my taste and I can not accustom myself to Chinese food.
 你对粥的印象是什么呢?What’s your impression of porridge?
 你认为粥是什么呢?What do you think of porridge?
主食 Staple food
菜 Dishes
甜品 Dessert
汤 Soup
Have you ever heard of "Boat Congee" in Guangdong?
知道(听说过)Yes,I know it
不知道(没有)No, Ive never heard of it.
How did you know about the “Boat Porrige”?
朋友推荐 Friends’ introduction
推送 WeChatpush
博客 Blog
网络 Internet
其它 Others
Have you ever eaten "Boat Congee" in guangdong?
吃过 Yes,I have eaten it.
没有吃过 No,I have not eaten it.
Does the "Boat Congee" suit your taste?
味道很好,我很喜欢 It tastes good. I like it very much.
味道很好,但是我不喜欢 It tastes good, but I dont like it.
味道不好,我不喜欢吃 It doesnt taste good. I dont like it.
Why don’t you like Boat Congee?Do you think is theresomething that needs improvement?
 为什么没有吃过“艇仔粥”?Why haven't you eaten "Boat Congee"?
因为没听说过Because I havent heard of it
因为没有机会品尝到Because theres no chance to taste it
因为不喜欢喝粥Because I dont like porridge
其他 other reasons
If you have a chance to eat "Boat Congee", would you like to try it?
愿意 Yes,I would like to. I am interested in it.
不愿意 No,I would like not to.
What is the price of the "Boat Congee" that you can accept?
10元以下Less than 10 yuan
10~15元10~15 yuan
16~20元16~20 yuan
21~25元21~25 yuan
 你知道为什么它的名字是“艇仔粥”吗?Do you know why is it called "Boat Congee"?
知道 Yes,I know
知道一些 Just know a little
不知道 No,I don`t know
Do you think that Boat Congee is representative of Guangzhou’s food?
是 Yes
不是 No
其他 something you want to share with us
Do you think there is any connection between the boat porridge and the cuisine of your own country?
Which Chinese food makes you think of the taste of hometown?

19题 | 被引用0次
