Movebank 用户调查

感谢您参与 用户反馈调查,您的意见将为Movebank的改进提供极大帮助!如有任何疑问,请联系德国马普动物行为所程雅畅(。您可使用中文或英文回答。我们保证您的所有回答均会被严格保密。 Thank you for participating in the survey of users. Your feedback will greatly support improvements to Movebank and facilitate other users to access Movebank more easily. If you have any question, please contact Yachang Cheng ( from Max Planck of Animal Behavior, Germany. You can use English and/or Chinese to answer the questions. All your answers will remain confidential .
您目前是 (Currently, you are)
研究生(硕士,博士)Graduate students (master, Ph.D.)
博后 Post-doc
助理或行政人员 Assistant or administrator
资深科研人员(研究员,教授,工程师等)Senior researcher (e.g. PIs, professor, group leader, etc. )
其他 Others
您工作单位的类型是Which type of affiliation do you belong to ?
大专院校 University
科研院所 Research institution
非盈利机构 NGO
公司 Company
其他 Others
目前您工作所在的城市或野外地点是?In which city or field sites you are working?

您是否有动物跟踪研究(GPS,无线电,Argos,geolocator 等)的 任何 经验? Do you have any experience related to animal tracking studies?

是 Yes
否 No
您从哪里得知的Movebank? Where have you heard of Movebank?
会议 Conference
文献 Literature
研讨班 Workshop
同事 Colleague
导师 Advisor
互联网 Internet
其他 Others
未曾听说 Havent heard of Movebank
您之前是否使用过Movebank?Have you used Movebank before?
有 Yes
没有 No
如果您还未曾使用Movebank,原因是?If you have not used Movebank before, what are the reasons?
语言 Language
需要花费时间学习如何使用 Learning is time-consuming
网站难以打开 The website is difficult to open。
担忧数据安全 Data security concerns。
其他 Others
Movebank 吸引您的是哪一方面?what is the main reason which attracts you?
您觉得Movebank 的英文用户手册(user manual)是否足够辅助您完成例如创建研究,设置访问权限,上传和注释数据等操作?Is the English version of the user manual enough for guide user complete tasks such as create a study, set the access rights, upload data and annotate data?
是 Yes
否 No
您在使用过程中遇到过什么问题? What problems have you encountered using Movebank?
您是否愿意把Movebank推荐给其他人?Would you be likely to recommend Movebank to others?
是 Yes
否,原因是 No, because
如果Movebank 有中文用户手册,您是否会对Movebank更有兴趣?Would you be more interested in Movebank if there was a Chinese version of the user manual?
是 Yes
否 No
目前您跟踪动物使用的设备主要来自哪些生产商?What device manufacturers do you most commonly use for tracking animals?
如果您设备的生产商提供数据反馈(Live feed)功能,能将您的数据自动且安全的上传至Movebank,您是否会对Movebank更加感兴趣?Would your interest in Movebank be increased if your device manufacturers offered an automatic, secure transfer of your data directly to Movebank (“live feed”)?
是 Yes
否,原因是 No, the reason is
您目前使用的管理,分享,分析跟踪数据的软件或工具是什么?What tools do you currently use to manage, share or analyze your tracking data?
您目前从设备或者数据提供者处,获得的数据格式是什么? 例如 shp, csv, kml 等。In what format do you currently receive data from your devices or data provider? E.g shp, csv, kml etc.
您目前的网络状况是? What is the situation of your current internet?
您在可视化跟踪数据时,使用的地图服务或者资源来自哪里?Which map services or sources do you use to visualize your tracking data?
您最希望Movebank有那些特征或功能?What features would you most like to see on Movebank?
您认为有那些因素可能会限制用户使用Movebank?What factor(s) you think might hinder potential users to use Movebank
您还有其他的意见和建议吗?Any other feedback that you would like to share with us?
您是否愿意我们进一步与您取得联系?Would you like us to contact you for further discussion?
是,我的邮箱是 Yes, my email is
否 No

22题 | 被引用0次
